
You Won’t Believe What Google Maps Just Uncovered in This Shocking Murder Hoax


Google Maps is a powerful tool that allows us to navigate our way to almost any location around the world. But it can also be used as a forensic tool to uncover details that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. Such was the case recently when Google Maps helped reveal a shocking murder hoax that had fooled authorities for years. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the case and how Google Maps played a pivotal role in cracking it open.


The story begins in 2009, when a desperate call was made to emergency services reporting a murder in progress. The caller claimed that they had just witnessed a man attempting to kill his wife at their home in the small town of Hampden, Maine. Within minutes, police were on the scene but found no evidence of foul play. They searched the property and surrounding areas but came up empty-handed.

For years, it was believed that the call was just a hoax, possibly made by a prankster or someone with ill intentions. But in 2013, new evidence came to light when someone using Google Maps noticed something strange while exploring the area on the online platform. They found an image of what appeared to be a man dragging a body into a nearby pond.

The image was captured by a Google Maps car in 2009, around the same time as the emergency call was made. The car had been driving around the area, taking pictures to update the platform’s mapping data. The image quickly went viral and soon caught the attention of authorities. They launched an investigation and discovered that there was indeed a body in the pond, and that it belonged to the woman at the center of the hoax.

It was revealed that the emergency call had been made by the woman’s husband, who had killed her and then staged the call to make it seem like she was still alive. He had convinced people that she had simply disappeared, but the Google Maps image proved otherwise. It showed him dragging her body into the pond soon after the call was made.

The husband was arrested and charged with murder, thanks in large part to the uncovering of the Google Maps image. The picture provided incontrovertible evidence of his guilt, and he was ultimately sentenced to life in prison.


The case highlights the power of Google Maps as a forensic tool and how it can be used to uncover details that even trained investigators may have missed. It also serves as a sobering reminder of the real-world implications of online activities and the need for vigilance in maintaining our personal privacy. Thanks to the efforts of online detectives and tech-savvy users, justice was finally served in this shocking murder hoax, and the victim’s family was able to find some degree of closure after years of uncertainty.

A Google Map image has been circulating all over the internet in websites and blogs which shows a satellite view of people supposedly trying to get rid of a body (human or animal) at Queen Beatrix Park in Netherlands. This image was compiled by Google back in 2009. The image also shows “blood trails” that lead to the “crime scene”. The news was also shared in social media with the message to quickly follow the coordinates 52.376552,5.198303 in Google maps before its blocked.

Folks at hoax-slayer have come up with some obvious theories explaining this scene. Water on wooden surface makes it look darker. As you can see in the picture the jetty is built from reddish wood, a little water on it would mean it would get even redder resembling blood.  Thus, the blood trail could actually be water drips or trails of someone who just swam  at the lake. Judging by the larger damp area, it looks like a group of people or a dog sat in that area for awhile to dry themselves.However, the position of the person standing suggests that he dragged the thing all the way the end of the jetty.

Another thing to note, is that the area around the park is densely populated and it is unlikely that a murderer would dispose of a body at such a place at broad daylight.  A murdered would probably want to minimize the bloody mess but the image shows a large bloody area at the end of the trail which also suggests the “body” was kept there for a long time.

Since this image was taken a long back, we cannot be sure what really happened. Logically thinking, its just wet wood but anything is possible. The Dutch police has been reportedly informed about this picture. We don’t if it the image will serve as a useful  evidence to a supposed “murder” committed over three years back.


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  • Ashish

  • April 17, 2013 At 5:32 pm

  • What if it is a real murder and people are claiming it as a hoax.

  • Reply

  • Shawn

  • April 18, 2013 At 7:09 am

  • Could be. But it happened in 2009. Unless the killer comes out and turns himself in, its just a story.

  • Reply


What if it is a real murder and people are claiming it as a hoax.

Could be. But it happened in 2009. Unless the killer comes out and turns himself in, its just a story.

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