You Won’t Believe These Epic iPhone and iPad Pranks - Your Friends Will NEVER See Them Coming!

Are you looking for some hilarious and effective ways to prank your friends and family? Well, look no further than these epic iPhone and iPad pranks that are sure to leave your targets both laughing and confused. From swapping app icons to creating fake text messages, these pranks will make your victims question everything they thought they knew about their beloved Apple devices. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

1. App Icon Swap

This is a classic prank that never gets old. Simply go into your victim’s iPhone or iPad settings and rearrange the app icons to create chaos. You can swap the Facebook and Instagram icons, or switch the YouTube icon with the Photos app. The possibilities are endless! Just make sure you take a screenshot of their original layout so you can put it back to normal once the joke is over.

2. Auto-Correct Trickery

This prank requires a little bit of planning, but the payoff is totally worth it. Take your friend’s phone and go into the keyboard settings. Add some funny and outrageous autocorrect options, like changing “the” to “pickle juice” or “yes” to “nope, I can’t do that”. Once you’ve set up a few options, give the phone back to your friend and watch them get confused as to why their simple message is being transformed into a hilarious sentence.

3. Fake Text Messages

Using fake text message generators, you can create authentic-looking text conversations with your friends or family members. This prank is perfect for letting your imaginations run wild with silly dialogue, or pretending to “accidentally” send some embarrassing messages. Just make sure you delete the fake conversation once the prank is over, or your friend might start scrolling through their messages and get confused about when the conversation actually took place.

4. Customized Backgrounds

This prank requires a bit of creativity and Photoshop skills, but it’s definitely worth the effort. Create a custom wallpaper with some funny or embarrassing pictures of your friend or loved one, and set it as their lock screen. The next time they check their phone, they’ll be greeted with a hilarious surprise.

5. Siri Shenanigans

Siri on iPhones and iPads can be programmed to respond to certain questions and commands. Use this to your advantage by pre-programming some jokes or silly responses ahead of time. For example, ask Siri to tell you a joke, and have it respond with a ridiculous punchline. Or, ask Siri to set a reminder for “banana milkshake day,” and watch your friend’s confusion as their phone reminds them of this bizarre made-up holiday.

In conclusion, these iPhone and iPad pranks are sure to be a hit with your friends and family. Just remember to keep things light-hearted and not take it too far. After all, the goal is to make people smile and laugh, not upset them. So get creative and have fun with these hilarious prank ideas!

It doesn’t need to be April Fool’s Day to pull off a good prank. These are designed for people with an iPhone or iPad, especially if they keep their device unlocked so you can mess with the settings.

Use Siri to Set Reminders, Alarms, Events, Etc.

While setting a reminder or an alarm to go off at a strange time might not sound like the greatest prank to pull on someone, there’s a good reason why it’s first on the list: you can do it to almost any iPhone or iPad.

Siri is the voice recognition personal assistant for iOS and, by default, it’s turned on even when the device is on the lock screen. So, your intended victim can have their iPhone protected by a passcode and you can still pull a prank on them.

Activate Siri as you normally do by holding down the Home Button and give her a command. One funny prank is to create a string of reminders, such as:

  • “Remind me at 9PM to check my tire pressure.““Remind me at 9:10PM to really check my tire pressure.““Remind me at 9:15PM that tire pressure is the gateway to safe driving.”

You can also use Siri to set an alarm at a way-too-early time or schedule a fake meeting. Just remember, this prank could be pulled on you too, so you might want to turn Siri off while on the lock screen.

The Screenshot Background

The screen shot prank involves taking a screenshot of the home screen and using it as the wallpaper for the lock screen. This can cause your unsuspecting victim to think the iPad or iPhone is ready to use, but all the taps in the world won’t open an app until they slide to unlock. 

The Screenshot Home Screen

This one is similar to the screenshot background.  Start by taking a screenshot of the first page of apps on the home screen. Next, move every app from the first screen to any other page of apps. Then, add the screenshot as the home screen background.  Last, delete the screen shot from the Photos app to keep your target from figuring out your prank.  

The result is a home screen full of apps that won’t launch because they are actually part of the wallpaper. The victim can still launch docked apps and can still move to a different page to launch an app, but even moving to a different page gives the iPhone or iPad a broken effect when the original apps seem to stay in place.

The Blue Screen of Death

This one is funnier if you’re targeting an IT professional or anyone that knows a bit about computers. The famed “Blue Screen of Death” is the error screen Windows gives when the operating system crashes. Having the Blue Screen of Death appear on an Apple device may or may not trick someone who knows a thing or two about computers. But, at the very least, it should draw a good laugh.

Select this photo for a blue screen that can be sized so it doesn’t overfill the screen. I like to place it between the time being displayed and the slide to unlock instruction.

Invert the Colors

iOS’s accessibility options can be a goldmine for pranksters. Inverting the colors can make the iPad look all out of whack with no easy way to put it back to normal. Unless your target has really experimented with all the iPad settings, they probably won’t figure it out. The funny part is it inverts all colors, not just those in the user interface, so if they go into the Photos app, all of their pictures will have inverted colors.

Make it funnier by suggesting they reboot the device because that solves most problems. Of course, rebooting won’t do anything, but the process of doing it will make the issue seem even more serious.

You can get to the accessibility options by going Settings>General>Accessibility.

Put the Device in Zoom Mode

The iPhone and iPad’s accessibility options also have a zoom mode, which is great for those with vision problems and those who want to have a laugh at a friend’s expense. After turning zoom mode on, you can press the Home button three times to zoom the iPhone or iPad in and leave it that way for your friend to find.

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