Uncover the Dark Secrets of Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord - The Ultimate Conspiracy Quest Guide!

Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord is an open-world game that allows players to explore the vast world of Calradia. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and as a lord or lady, it is your job to uncover some of the darkest secrets of the game. That being said, here are some tips and tricks on how to complete the ultimate conspiracy quest guide.

The Conspiracy Quest

The conspiracy quest is one of the most challenging quests in the game. It is also one of the most rewarding, as it unlocks a lot of new content, including new companions and the ability to recruit an army of assassins. The quest can be triggered by speaking to the head of a noble family or by overhearing a conversation between two people in one of the taverns in Calradia.

Investigating the Conspiracy

To uncover the dark secrets of the conspiracy, you will need to embark on a series of quests that take you all around Calradia. The first part of the quest involves speaking to various people and gathering information about the conspiracy. This will require you to visit different towns and cities and talk to a lot of NPCs. Some of the NPCs will be cooperative, while others may try to hinder your investigation.

Finding the Hidden Base

Once you have gathered all the information, the next step is to find the hidden base of the conspirators. This can be one of the most challenging parts of the quest, as it requires you to stealthily infiltrate the base without getting caught. The base can be located in one of the many remote locations in Calradia, so you will need to use your tracking and scouting skills to find it.

Confronting the Conspirators

Once you have successfully infiltrated the conspirator’s base, the next step is to confront them. As with all confrontations in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, it is essential to be well-equipped and well-prepared. The conspirators will not go down without a fight, so you will need to be ready for anything. It is also important to note that if you fail to defeat the conspirators, the quest will be failed, and you will need to start over.


The conspiracy quest in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord is not for the faint of heart. It requires a lot of patience, skill, and determination to complete. However, once you have completed the quest, you will feel a great sense of accomplishment, as well as unlock a lot of new content in the game. So do not be afraid to dive in and uncover the dark secrets of Calradia!

As part of the main storyline campaign in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, you will come across a quest related to the conspiracy. Unfortunately, since the game is still being tested through Steam’s early access, various errors may occur with this task. In this article, we will give some Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord tips about the quest itself and how to complete it.

What You Should Know Before Taking the Quest

As you progress through the Empire quest chain, you will meet Istiana and Arzagos. And from one of them, you will receive the Conspiracy mission. It all depends on which side you have chosen. The second half of the quest has a time limit, so as soon as you get to it, try to drop all other activities and focus on completing the mission.

Many players report a recurring error that results in a mission failure message. Therefore, before starting the quest, be sure to save the game. If something goes wrong, you can always reload the save.

How to Deal With the Conspiracy Quest in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

The scale of the quest will fill up as you continue to destroy or unite the empire. And, ultimately, it will be updated to the status of “Stop the conspiracy.” After this, you will see a time limit on the mission.

You cannot conclude a truce with Istiana or Arzagos. The quest will just stop. Perhaps the developers of the game simply have not yet added its logical conclusion. Your choice is essentially limited. And the only development at the moment is the expiration of time, which will lead to a conspiracy and, possibly, war.

For example, if you want the Empire to be destroyed, make sure that it contains less than four settlements on the entire map of Calradia. Only in this case, another dominant force can appear. Depending on your wealth, army size, and influence, you can become a person who comes to power.

But many are also annoyed by the moment that the game simply does not allow a truce and stop the conspiracy. Nothing can be done with this yet.

We hope that his Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord conspiracy quest guide helped you. And if you don’t have enough time to complete the task, you can try the mod that increases the time. It is called Stop Conspiracy Quest Extender.