Title: Shocking Comparison: Guitar Hero Players VS Real Guitarists! Who Will Come Out on Top?


For years, Guitar Hero has been a beloved video game that allows players to simulate the experience of playing guitar on stage in front of a virtual audience. However, many real guitarists have been quick to point out that playing a plastic guitar with buttons is not the same as playing a real one.

In this article, we will be comparing the skills and abilities of Guitar Hero players versus real guitarists to see who comes out on top.


Firstly, let’s discuss the basics of playing a guitar. A real guitarist must learn how to read music and understand chords, proper finger placement and strumming patterns, and how to tune properly. They must also practice for hours on end to perfect their craft.

On the other hand, Guitar Hero players have a simplified form of playing. They don’t need to know how to read sheet music or understand chords on a deep level. Instead, they simply need to follow the on-screen prompts to hit the right buttons in time with the music.

When it comes to speed and accuracy, both Guitar Hero players and real guitarists need to have a keen sense of timing. However, real guitarists have an added challenge of playing a physical instrument that requires precise finger movements and hand positioning. Guitar Hero players only need to press buttons, which some may argue may come with less precision.

Furthermore, real guitarists have the ability to improvise and play by ear, something that is not possible in Guitar Hero. They can change up a chord progression or add a new riff on the fly, which makes them adaptable to any situation. Guitar Hero players, on the other hand, are restricted to the programmed notes in the game.

Lastly, when it comes to performance, real guitarists have the ability to connect with the audience on a deeper level. They can interact with the crowd, show emotion, and truly express themselves through their playing. Guitar Hero players are limited to the confines of the game and cannot make those personal connections.


In the end, it’s safe to say that real guitarists have the upper hand when it comes to skill and overall ability. While Guitar Hero players may have some rhythm and timing skills, they simply cannot compete with the level of dedication, talent, and passion that real guitarists possess.

So, the next time someone tries to argue that playing Guitar Hero makes them a real guitarist, remind them that there’s no substitute for the real thing!

The musical rhythm game genre remains popular due to titles like Rock Band 4 and Guitar Hero Live. While non-gamers may argue that learning real guitar is more worthwhile, playing with plastic instruments is its own art form. We compiled an in-depth analysis of how playing the Guitar Hero games compares to playing an actual guitar.

Overall Findings

If you learn how to play a real guitar after playing Guitar Hero, you may be surprised by how similar it feels to the game. The biggest similarity is in the chords. Two-button power chords are exactly like power chords on a real guitar. Three-button chords are also similar to full chords on a real guitar, particularly in the transitions between them. There is a difference when you play six strings rather than five buttons, but the basics are the same. Plus, you’ll develop muscle memory for movements and transitions between chords.

If you’re a gamer who is genuinely interested in learning how to play guitar, try RockSmith or BandFuse for a more authentic experience.

  • Requires a lot of practice and coordination.

  • Low costs with limited rewards.

  • Can be enjoyed by anyone.

  • Requires even more practice and coordination.

  • High costs with high rewards.

  • Not everyone has the time and money to invest.

The way the notes are laid out on the buttons is also similar to how you move up and down the neck on a real guitar. The higher notes are always on the Blue and Orange frets while lower notes are Red or Green. So, as long as you pay attention to the song, you can move your hand before a gem comes up. This is exactly like playing a real guitar: You must listen carefully to a song and figure out the general location of the next notes.

The Cost: Real Instruments Are Expensive

Buying a game/guitar bundle to play on a game system you own is cheaper than buying a real guitar. Real guitars are expensive, as are amplifiers, effects pedals, strings, straps, cables, and cases. After spending $500 or so on a beginner’s kit, you may want something else because buying guitars is addictive. Every guitar feels and sounds different, so as soon as you get a new one, you may have your eyes on something else.

  • Used games and controllers are cheap.

  • Some games and controllers work on multiple consoles.

  • DLC purchases can add up.

  • Requires an endless list of peripherals and accessories.

  • Lots of upkeep and repair costs.

  • Potential returns on your investment.

In contrast, the plastic guitar-controllers used in Guitar Hero games retailed for about $50. You can buy them bundled with a game for around $80 total. The individual games retailed for $60 when first released, but you can find the old Guitar Hero or Rock Band games for cheaper.

You could easily drop a few hundred dollars on buying song DLC for Rock Band or Guitar Hero. That is a drop in the bucket compared to buying a new real guitar. That said, you can make money playing a real guitar, which can’t be said for the plastic version.

Difficulty: Guitar Hero Isn’t So Easy

Guitar Hero and Rock Band can teach you some bad habits. For example, the games encourage players to bend notes to rack up points. Guitar Hero and Rock Band are also terrible about negative reinforcement. Screwing up one note in Rock Band tends to screw you up for at least a few more. As a result, your multiplier disappears, the crowd boos, and it stops being fun.

  • Punishes players for minor mistakes.

  • Relies heavily on the whammy bar, which most guitars don’t have.

  • Real audiences are more forgiving than Guitar Hero audiences.

  • Some songs are easier to play on a real guitar.

In reality, messing something up on a real guitar barely registers to most listeners. No one ever plays a whole song perfectly live. You just keep on trucking and hope no one notices.

Some Rock Band and Guitar Hero songs are more difficult than playing the same songs on a real guitar. The games make you play a mix of both rhythm and lead guitars, usually with other instruments shoehorned in (saxophone, keyboard, trumpet, and piano), which means you play twice as many notes as you would on a real guitar. Why is Dragonforce’s “Through the Fire and Flames” so difficult in these games? It’s because you’re technically playing two guitars plus a keyboard jammed into one track.

Accessibility: Anyone Can Play Guitar Hero

Learning to play a real guitar takes time. Many people get frustrated and quit early on. Like karaoke, Rock Band and Guitar Hero are popular because they allow anyone to participate in the creation of music regardless of their skill level.

  • Easy to learn but difficult to master.

  • Fun to play with friends even if you’re not good at it.

  • No music lessons required.

  • Requires years of patience and practice.

  • More challenging for people with physical limitations.

  • Expensive barriers to entry.

Unless you have a ton of super talented friends and family, you probably aren’t going to get together and play real music. Anyone can pick up and play Guitar Hero, even people who don’t play video games, so it’s a great go-to group activity.

The Rewards: Learning an Instrument Is More Rewarding

Any time you pick up a guitar, you can learn something new, whether it’s a new song or a new technique to make the songs you know sound better. You’re always learning, and it is extremely rewarding.

  • Once you beat the games, there’s little reason to keep playing.

  • You can’t make money playing plastic guitar.

  • A closet full of fake guitars isn’t as cool as a closet full of real ones.

  • There’s always more to learn and room for improvement.

  • Make money from performances.

  • Impress others with your artistic talents.

Guitar Hero, on the other hand, won’t teach you anything valuable. You just follow along. There’s no reward beyond the enjoyment you get out of playing the game.

Final Verdict

Playing Guitar Hero and playing a real guitar can both be a lot of fun. While gaming is a less expensive hobby than making real music, learning an instrument can eventually pay off if you become a successful musician. Don’t expect your expertise in Guitar Hero to be an asset in that regard.

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