Title: Devastating News: Halo Infinite Delayed and Xbox Series X Launch in Jeopardy!

Subheading: A setback for the gaming industry

The gaming industry has recently been dealt a major blow with the announcement of the delay of one of its most anticipated games – Halo Infinite. Microsoft had initially planned to launch the game alongside the Xbox Series X console this year, but due to ongoing development issues and the impact of COVID-19, the launch has been delayed to 2021.

This decision comes as a surprise to avid fans of the game, who were eagerly anticipating its release alongside the new console. Many were hoping that the game would showcase the full potential of the powerful new hardware, and were excited to see how it could push the limits of gaming to new heights.

However, the news has been met with disappointment, frustration, and concern from both gamers and investors alike. The delay may have a significant impact on the sales of the Xbox Series X console, which was already facing fierce competition from Sony’s PlayStation 5.

Fans of the Halo franchise are undoubtedly feeling let down, as they were looking forward to experiencing the latest chapter in the saga. Halo Infinite was set to be one of the most ambitious and revolutionary games in the franchise, with promises of an open-world environment and a more immersive and engaging gameplay experience.

The delay of Halo Infinite could also have ripple effects on the development of other Microsoft games as well. Third-party developers who were set to collaborate with Microsoft to launch exclusive games for the new console may also be affected by the delay.

This delay is not only a setback for Microsoft and the gaming industry as a whole but is also a reflection of the unprecedented times we are living in. The gaming industry has already been impacted by the pandemic, and the delay of Halo Infinite is just one example of how the virus is affecting the production of many highly-anticipated games.

Final Thoughts:

The news of the delay of Halo Infinite is a hard pill to swallow for fans of the franchise and the gaming community as a whole. The delay may also have a significant impact on the sales of the Xbox Series X console. However, Microsoft promises to use the extra time to improve the game and make sure it lives up to the expectations of fans. The decision to delay the launch shows that developers are committed to delivering the best possible gaming experience to players. As we navigate through uncertain times, it’s important to remember that this setback is only temporary, and we can look forward to brighter gaming experiences in the future.

Halo Infinite’s delay announcement today brought all of our fears to life, the cracks were there to see for everybody when Microsoft revealed the gameplay of Halo Infinite and was rightfully trashed for not being up to mark.

Now, graphics alone do not make a game good but when you’re the flagbearer franchise of a console with a demographic whose only reason to purchase the console is to invest themselves into the lore, it becomes a problem.

Halo for such a long time has been setting the bar for brilliance in graphics, innovation, and graphics, so much that Halo has been the most selling first-party title of the Xbox series since it was released.

Master Chief’s journey all through the game games has been well-received until Bungie left Microsoft and decided to make Destiny franchise since then 343 Industries took over but the transition hasn’t been smooth.

Halo 5: Guardians hasn’t been well received, and neither has gameplay evolved with many things feeling stagnant and docile, and it all came crashing down during the gameplay showcase of Halo Infinite.

Though there wasn’t much to show, anyone could see that the details were missing in characters shown which seemed sub-par for the current generation of consoles, let alone the next generation.

Added with this there were rumors flying around that 343 Industries had difficulty developing the game and folks from Bungie were called over for additional help.

We wrote about the same a while back and it seems that with the latest news about the delay, those rumors were true. Halo won’t be available with Xbox Series X at launch; this is not only a massive blow for the green brand but also an identity crisis because there’s no other iconic first-party release to accompany the launch of the console.

Halo Infinite will be reworked hopefully by next year, we should have a product that’s well worthy of carrying the mantle and weight of the franchise to the next level.

Halo Infinite Development Update pic.twitter.com/TFZvXhRN9f

— Halo (@Halo) August 11, 2020

Microsoft is citing the on-going pandemic to be the cause of the delay in the launch of Halo Infinite, but industry sources have said otherwise. It looks like destiny will bring Bungie and Halo back together as they were the ones who started the project and while the same people who began working on the project may not be there, the core value behind developing Halo and the commitment still is preserved.

Halo’s delay will surely dent Xbox Series X’s sale and while Halo Infinite has been in development for more than 5 years and this is stretching it when the franchise is established with a host of other characters to drive the narrative.

We will keep updating with more information about the development of Halo Infinite, in the meanwhile you can check out other articles and industry information right here on Gamer Tweak.