-SHOCKING NEWS: Halo Infinite removes Async Compute feature - Fans in uproar!-

It was just a few days ago when the development team of Halo Infinite announced that they were removing the highly anticipated Async Compute feature from the game. Fans all over the world were shocked and disappointed about the news. The feature was highly touted as the key to the game’s graphical prowess and stability.

Async Compute was meant to provide a more efficient use of graphics hardware to help achieve better visuals and performance. The feature allowed for an even workload distribution among the different processing units of a graphics card, allowing for better communication and faster rendering times.

The feature was pushed to the forefront of gaming technology after its inclusion in games such as Gears of War 4 and Doom 2016, where it made a significant difference in performance. Halo Infinite was expected to take advantage of Async Compute’s power, and many fans were excited to see it in action.

The development team confirmed that they made the decision to remove Async Compute after an “extensive internal review of our graphics code and its performance” and found that it was “not delivering the expected results”. There was no further explanation provided as to why the feature was not performing, which only fueled the speculation among the fans even further.

Ever since the announcement, fans took to social media, and Reddit forums to express their disappointment and frustration. The comments ranged from “Halo Infinite is losing its uniqueness”, “This is a major letdown”, and “How can you remove the feature that was supposed to define the game’s graphical capabilities”.

The development team has yet to provide any further update, but it is clear that many fans are disappointed about the decision. It is not yet clear how much of an impact the removal of the feature will have on the overall gameplay experience of Halo Infinite.

Regardless of the outcome, this is not good news for the game. After a brief backlash on social media, the outcry seems to have died down a bit, leaving the future of the game in some doubt. Whether the feature will be reintroduced, or if it will remain absent from the game until its release, remains to be seen.

One thing is certain, though, Halo Infinite has lost a significant amount of the hype that it had built up over the past few months. Fans are hoping that the game will still be able to deliver a gameplay experience that lives up to the lofty expectations it has set–with or without Async Compute.

Halo has hit the top 10 list based on current number of players on Steam at the time of writing and that itself is proof of how iconic the franchise is. But if the game is crashing frequently despite having the minimum or even recommended system requirements, then it can be worrying. Don’t worry, because we’ve got your back. If you are trying to play Halo Infinite but the game is crashing on startup, one of the fixes that you are recommended to try is turning off Async Compute. Now, how does one do that? Here are the simple steps.

How to Turn off Async Compute in Halo Infinite?

This is one of the fixes suggested by the devs if you have an AMD graphics card. Basically, those with AMD Radeon RX 500 series cards can potentially fix their crashes at launch when they disable Async Compute. Turn it off and then load up the game again to see if the error persists. If not, try the other solutions mentioned in our guide here.

To disable Async Compute, follow these steps:

  • Head to the Settings of Halo Infinite by clicking on the option at the bottom right of the screen.
  • Click on the Video tab.
  • Scroll down and find the Async Compute option. On the right, you will see the Vram usage (ideal, current and max) as well as the message: Set whether to execute compute work in parallel with graphics work on GPUs that support it.
  • Simply check Async Compute off and it will be disabled.
  • Now close the game and relaunch it to check if it is crashing on your PC.

These were the basic and simple steps to turn off async compute. For more Halo Infinite coverage, don’t miss out on our latest guides! We’ve got error fixes, tips and tricks for unlocking and leveling up right here.