Are you familiar with HDMP files? Most people aren’t, and for a good reason. These files are often left untouched and forgotten after a crash report is submitted. However, what most people don’t realize is that HDMP files can contain a wealth of secret information that can be useful to developers and IT professionals.

So, what exactly are HDMP files? HDMP stands for “Heap Dump,” and it is a file format used by Microsoft’s Windows operating system to store data after a program crashes. The file contains information about the memory heap at the time of the crash, including the memory address, the program’s call stack, and the values of the variables at the time of the crash. Developers can use this information to diagnose the cause of the crash and fix the program.

But, HDMP files can also contain sensitive information, including passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal data. This is because some programs store data in memory that is not immediately cleared after a program crashes, and that data can be captured in the HDMP file.

So, how do you access this secret information hidden in HDMP files? The good news is that it’s relatively easy. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Locate the HDMP file. When a program crashes, Windows generates an HDMP file in the same directory as the program’s executable. The file has the same name as the executable file, but with the extension .HDMP. So, if the program’s executable file is “myprogram.exe,” the HDMP file will be “myprogram.HDMP.”

Step 2: Open the HDMP file using a hex editor. A hex editor is a program that allows you to view and edit the binary data of a file. There are many free hex editors available online, such as HxD and Hex Workshop.

Step 3: Look for sensitive data. Once you’ve opened the HDMP file in the hex editor, you can search for sensitive data by looking for specific data types. For example, passwords are typically stored as strings, and credit card numbers are stored as a sequence of numbers. You can use the search function in the hex editor to find these data types.

Step 4: Extract the data. Once you’ve found the sensitive data, you can extract it and save it to a file. You can do this by selecting the data in the hex editor and copying it to the clipboard, then pasting it into a text editor or other program.

While accessing sensitive data in HDMP files can be useful for developers and IT professionals, it’s also important to remember that this data can be sensitive and should be treated with care. Make sure to follow all appropriate security protocols when handling this information.

In conclusion, HDMP files can contain a wealth of secret information, including sensitive data such as passwords and credit card numbers. By following these simple steps, you can access and extract this information to aid in program debugging or other IT projects. However, remember to use caution and follow all security protocols when handling sensitive data. Happy hex editing!

This article explains more about HDMP files, including why they’re created, how to find them, if deleting them is okay, and how to open one if you need to.

What to Know

  • An HDMP file is a Windows Heap Dump file.Open one with Microsoft Visual Studio.

What Is an HDMP File?

A file with the HDMP file extension is a Windows Heap Dump file used for storing uncompressed error files generated, or “dumped,” when a program crashes in some versions of Windows.

Compressed dump files are stored in the MDMP (Windows Minidump) format and are used by Windows to send the crash reports to Microsoft.

How to Open an HDMP File

Error dump files can be opened using Microsoft Visual Studio through its File > Open menu. Recent versions of the program can open HDMP, MDMP, and DMP (Windows Memory Dump) files this way.

If you’re using a version of Visual Studio that doesn’t seem to let you open the file, just rename it to use the DMP file extension and try again. If you get an error about “not enough storage,” it’s likely that the dump file is too large for Visual Studio to load into memory.

How to Convert an HDMP File

We’re not aware of any way to convert an HDMP or MDMP file to any other format.

You can safely remove HDMP and MDMP files from your computer if you don’t want to investigate the cause for the errors or if they’re taking up too much disk space. However, if the problem persists, it’s likely that more of these dump files will be created. As with all computer problems, it’s always best to resolve them before they get out of hand.

More Information on Dump Files

The Windows Registry location that holds error reporting information is in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive, within the Windows Error Reporting key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting

The folder that programs typically hold dump files in may be called dumps or reports, and is typically found in the program’s installation directory. However, others might keep these files in a totally different folder, like DellDataVault for Dell programs, for example, or CrashDumps.

If you need help finding an .HDMP, .MDMP, or .DMP file on your computer, one easy way to search for it is with the free tool Everything.

Still Can’t Open It?

Windows dump files might use the HDMP, MDMP, or DMP file extension, and some file formats use a file extension that closely resembles those, making it really easy to confuse one format for another.

To create a DMP file while a process is running, you can do so through Task Manager. Just right-click the process you want the dump created for, and then choose Create dump file.

For example, HDML is spelled almost the exact same way but is used for Handheld Device Markup Language files. If your file isn’t opening as described above, check that it really does end with “.HDMP,” because HDML files open with a different program.

It’s just as easy to confuse MDMP and MDM files. The latter might be in the HLM Multivariate Data Matrix file format or the Mario Dash Map file format, but again, neither are related to HDMP files.

DMPR files are easy to mix up with DMP mail projects used by Direct Mail. Yet another example is the DM file extension.

HDMI is a common search term that has a similar spelling as HDMP, but it has nothing to do with this format or any file format. HDMI stands for High-Definition Multimedia Interface.

If you don’t have a dump file, be sure to research the real file extension for your file to learn which programs can open or convert it.

  • How do I use WinDgb to analyze a crash dump?
  • Search for WinDbg > right-click the result and choose Run as administrator. Then select File > Start debugging > Open dump file > enter the MDMP folder location. Next, select Open, go to the command bar and enter !analyze -v. If you don’t have the WinDbg tool, learn about downloading Windows Debugging Tools.
  • How do I open MDMP files?
  • Use Visual Studio to open MDMP files. Select File > Open > File > find the MDMP folder (which is usually located in C:\Windows\Minidump) > OK. To debug the file, go to Actions and choose from four debugging options.

Search for WinDbg > right-click the result and choose Run as administrator. Then select File > Start debugging > Open dump file > enter the MDMP folder location. Next, select Open, go to the command bar and enter !analyze -v. If you don’t have the WinDbg tool, learn about downloading Windows Debugging Tools.

Use Visual Studio to open MDMP files. Select File > Open > File > find the MDMP folder (which is usually located in C:\Windows\Minidump) > OK. To debug the file, go to Actions and choose from four debugging options.

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