Title: You’ll Never Believe How Many Secret Messages You’re Missing on Facebook – Learn How to Unlock Them Now!


Facebook is undoubtedly the king of social media platforms, and it has introduced various features to provide an extensive user experience. But, have you ever wondered if you have been missing all the secret messages on Facebook? Surprisingly, there are some hidden messages in Facebook Messenger that most of us are not aware of. These messages can be from people you don’t know, and you don’t even get notified about them. So, in this article, we will uncover the mystery behind these hidden messages and learn how to unlock them.


What are the hidden messages in Facebook Messenger?

Before we dive into how to unlock these hidden messages, let’s understand what they are. Facebook filters two types of messages – Inbox and Message Request. The inbox consists of all the messages from people you have added as friends, and the message request section contains the messages from unknown people. But, sometimes, this filter system messes up, and some crucial messages end up in the message request section. These messages can be from your relatives, acquaintances, or even potential employers.

Additionally, if someone who has not added you as a friend sends you a message, it will land in the message request section. They can be people who have mutual friends with you or strangers who want to know you better.

How to unlock the hidden messages in Facebook Messenger?

Now that we know what the hidden messages are, let’s jump into how to unlock them:

Step 1: Open the Facebook Messenger app on your phone

Step 2: Tap on the profile picture in the top left corner

Step 3: Scroll down to find the People section and tap on Message Requests

Step 4: Here, you will find all your filtered messages

Step 5: Tap on each message to read them and choose to ‘Accept’ or ‘Decline’ the request.

Alternatively, you can also access the hidden messages on Facebook through the desktop version.

Step 1: Open Facebook on your computer

Step 2: Click on the Messages icon in the upper right corner

Step 3: Select Message Requests

Step 4: Here, you can read the message and accept or decline the request.


In conclusion, Facebook has been filtering out messages from unknown people, and these messages end up in the message request section. It’s necessary to check the hidden messages section regularly, as some important messages might slip down the cracks. With the methods mentioned above, you can easily access the messages that Facebook has filtered out. So, go ahead and check out the hidden messages section now. You might have some long lost messages waiting for you.

Many people just check messages from their friends on Facebook and move on without knowing that they may be missing dozens of hidden Facebook messages. Facebook only shows you messages from your friends in the main inbox; messages from people you may know or unknown people are saved separately.

If you didn’t know about these hidden messages, then it is time to see what is lurking in your hidden inbox. Let’s see which messages you have missed on Facebook; maybe you will find something interesting to read (or important as well).

Message Request Section

Facebook has added a “Message Request” section in your Facebook inbox where all the messages from people who are not in your friends list are listed. This makes it easier for people to have a conversation with anyone on Facebook without being forced to become friends. If you have received a Message Request, you will receive a notification, and the message will be listed under “Message Request” section of the inbox.

Go to your inbox, and you will see a “Message Request” section on the top-left corner of the window next to the “Recent” section. Here you will see all the messages from people who Facebook thinks you may know. The sender will never find out that you have read the message until you “Accept” the message request and confirm that you would like to talk to the person. You can also “Delete” the request, and the person will not be told that the message has been read or deleted.

Although you will be notified of such requests, you should still check it from time to time to ensure you don’t miss an important conversation notification.

Filtered Messages

This is like a spam folder of Facebook where all the messages are stored that are scams, spams or what Facebook thinks you don’t care about. To access filtered messages, click on “More” next to the “Message Request” section and choose “Filtered” from the list.

You will see all the messages that are filtered by Facebook. Most of the messages will be from people in a group or page owners and maybe some weirdos trying to have a conversation. However, there is also a chance that something important may end up in this section; after all, it is still a machine-based filter. In my example, I actually found two messages that were extremely important to me but ended up in the filtered messages (luckily, I checked in time). I am not going to blame Facebook for this, as the source of the message was not reputable and had no connection to me on Facebook.

I also advise you to only check filtered messages to ensure you don’t miss anything important or laugh at people trying to scam you. Don’t take interest in any offers or have a conversation with someone you don’t know. They are filtered for a reason, and it is best to stay away. If someone is offering you $10,000 for being a good person, most probably it’s a scam.


Now that you know how to access all the hidden messages on Facebook, make sure you go through them at least once a month to ensure you don’t miss anything important. It would be good for Facebook to give us an occasional notification about filtered messages, but I guess Facebook wants us to stay away from filtered messages for our own good.

Did you found anything interesting in your filtered messages? Share with us in the comments.

Karrar is drenched in technology and always fiddles with new tech opportunities. He has a bad habit of calling technology “Killer”, and doesn’t feel bad about spending too much time in front of the PC. If he is not writing about technology, you will find him spending quality time with his little family.

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