Title: Unlock the Ultimate Hitman 3 Challenge: Can You Solve the ‘A Matter of Guilt’ Mission in Just 8 Steps?
If you are a fan of stealth action games, then you must have heard of the critically acclaimed Hitman series. The latest release - Hitman 3 - has garnered widespread praise for its intricate levels, immersive gameplay, and thrilling narrative. One of the most challenging missions in the game is ‘A Matter of Guilt,’ which tasks players with taking down a corporate tycoon amid a flurry of guards, traps, and obstacles. Can you beat this mission in just eight steps? Let’s find out.
Step 1: Access the Wine Cellar
The mission begins in the vineyard, where you must infiltrate the main building and access the wine cellar. The easiest way to do this is by sneaking around the side entrance and disabling the guard in front of the keycard reader. You can also distract him with a thrown object or a coin.
Step 2: Disguise Yourself as the Waiter
Once you have the keycard, head to the wine cellar and grab the waiter outfit from the laundry room. You can distract the patrolling guard inside the laundry by throwing something, or hiding in the locker until he leaves. Make sure to dump the body in a container to avoid suspicion.
Step 3: Poison the Wine Glass
Now, make your way to the main hall, where the target is mingling with guests. Keep a low profile and blend in with the other waiters. When the target takes a sip of his wine, he will get sick and head to the bathroom. Follow him and subdue him in one of the stalls.
Step 4: Take the Security Card
With the target incapacitated, search his belongings for the security card that leads to his private office. You can also take a photo of the documents on his phone to complete a side objective. Be careful not to arouse suspicion from other guests or guards.
Step 5: Retrieve the USB Stick
The private office is located on the top floor of the building and is heavily guarded. Disguise yourself as a guard or use stealth to avoid detection. Once inside, use the security card to access the safe and retrieve the USB stick containing sensitive data.
Step 6: Plant the Tracker
Before leaving the office, plant a tracker device inside the ivory white briefcase on the table. This will help you pinpoint the location of the target’s secret hideout. Make sure to leave unnoticed and avoid any confrontations.
Step 7: Follow the Trail
The tracker will lead you to a secret underground laboratory hidden beneath the vineyard. Here, the target is conducting illegal experiments on human subjects. Sneak past the guards and use your skills to disable the security measures.
Step 8: Take Down the Target
Finally, reach the target’s chamber and confront him. You can use the environment to your advantage, such as gas pipes or exposed electrical wires, to create distractions or take out the guards. Once the target is alone, use a quick takedown or a silenced gun to finish the job. Mission Complete.
The ‘A Matter of Guilt’ mission in Hitman 3 is a complex and challenging task that requires a blend of stealth, strategy, and cunning. By following these eight steps, you can complete the mission in a relatively short time and earn a spot as an elite assassin. Are you up for the challenge? Put your skills to the test and see if you can beat the ultimate Hitman 3 mission.
A Matter of Guilt Challenge is one of three main challenges in Dartmoor: Death in the Family mission. To complete Hitman 3 A Matter of Guilt Challenge you need to convince your target Alexa Carlisle (Madam Carlisle) that her brother Zachary killed himself, along with proofs. Doing this will make Madam Carlisle take her own life out of her guilt.
How to Complete Hitman 3 A Matter of Guilt?
To complete the A Matter of Guilt Challenge you need to collect all the pieces of evidence in Thornbridge Manor that imply Zachary’s death was a suicide. Once you select the “Accuse Zachary” dialog option while talking to Madam Carlisle, the popup notification will show you that you completed A Matter of Guilt Challenge. After completing the challenge, Alexa Carlisle will jump from her balcony to kill herself.
How to do Hitman 3 A Matter of Guilt Challenge?
Let’s look at how to do A Matter of Guilt Challenge in Hitman 3.
- Step 1: Collect all 6 clues while investigating Zachary’s bedroom.
- Step 2: Get inside Gregory & Emma’s bedroom, by using a lock pick, crowbar, or the master key from Fernsby’s office.
- Step 3: Pick up the walking cane you see on the right side of the room. It has a bulldog handle.
- Step 4: Go to the library in the southern part of the same floor.
- Step 5: On the left side of the room, you will find a switch on the floor before the bookshelves.
- Step 6: Use the crane to open a secret room to collect Montgomery Carlisle’s letter.
- Step 7: Talk to Mr. Fernsby, then he will take you to Madam Carlisle’s office.
- Step 8: While talking to Alexa, select the dialog option to “Accuse Zachary”, then the challenge will be complete.
Also, the six clues are Zachary’s body, his laptop, suicide note, bottle & glass on the table, secret room behind the bookshelf, and finally the mansion floor plan from the secret room.
Also Read | Hitman 3 Dartmoor Murder Guide: How To Solve Death In Family Mission
After learning the truth about Montgomery (Alexa’s brother who she and Zachary killed 50 years ago) that he wanted Alexa to take over from their father instead of himself, Alexa jumps from the balcony to her demise.
That’s everything you need to know how to complete A Matter of Guilt Challenge in Hitman 3. While you are here also check out our other guides on Hitman 3.