#Unlock the Ultimate Secret in Hitman 3’s Berlin Level - How to Find the Elusive Fuse Cell for the Crane Trauma Challenge!

Hitman 3 is a game that’s all about stealth and strategy, and the Berlin level is no exception. One of the major challenges in Berlin is the Crane Trauma Challenge, which requires players to find a fuse cell and use it to repair a crane. In this article, we’ll explore how to find this elusive fuse cell, so you can complete the challenge and unlock a new level of enjoyment from Hitman 3.

##The Challenge

The Crane Trauma Challenge in Berlin tasks the player with repairing a crane that’s been damaged during an attack on the ICA facility. To complete the challenge, you must find a fuse cell and insert it into a broken power box to power up the crane, which will then move a wounded operative to safety.

The problem is that the fuse cell is not easy to find, and there are multiple locations where it could be hiding. In fact, discovering the fuse cell is one of the more challenging parts of the Berlin level, and it requires you to be thorough in your exploration and observation.

##The Solution

To find the fuse cell, you must explore the entire facility, searching for any objects or areas that seem out of place or unusual. Here are a few of the places where you might find the fuse cell:

  1. Locker Room - Check the lockers in the locker room for any items that might help you complete the challenge. Be sure to search every locker to increase your chances of finding the fuse cell.

  2. Break Room - The break room is another area to check for the fuse cell. Look for any containers or objects that could contain the cell, and be sure to search both the top and bottom shelves.

  3. Storage Area - The storage area is a large room with lots of containers and crates. Check each one for the fuse cell, and be careful not to miss any hidden areas.

  4. Rooftop - The rooftop has a small shed that you can enter. Look for any objects or containers that could contain the fuse cell.

  5. Cargo Bay - The cargo bay is another room with lots of crates and containers. Look for any hidden areas and search every container.

  6. Fuel Tanks - Finally, check the fuel tanks near the helicopter for the fuse cell. This location is often overlooked, but it’s a potential hiding spot for the cell.


Finding the fuse cell for the Crane Trauma Challenge in Hitman 3’s Berlin level is not an easy task, but it’s a challenge that’s worth taking on. By exploring every area of the facility and being thorough in your search, you can discover the elusive fuse cell and complete the challenge. With this guide, you’re now equipped with the knowledge you need to unlock this ultimate secret in Hitman 3’s Berlin level.

You are going to need the Fuse Cell in Berlin in Hitman 3 to complete the Crane Trauma feat but not a lot of people know where exactly to find it in the game. If you’re one of those people, thank your lucky stars as we’re here to save the day and we’ll tell you exactly how and where to find the Fuse Cell and get the Crane Trauma feat in Berlin in Hitman 3.

Where To Find Fuse Cell In Berlin in Hitman 3

The fuse cell in Berlin in Hitman 3 can be found in the dumpster right in front of the second yellow bird graffiti. To get to this location start from the Club’s entrance and then move out. Go through the line of people and then take a left from the white van.

Make sure that you go take a right from the tank where there’s a couple sitting and arguing. Head straight towards the wall and vault over from beside the first yellow bird graffiti that you see.

From there on, as you drop down, head straight and take a left from the wall. You should come out near a place from where you can see the big yellow crane, keep moving in that direction but keep away from the guards and walk beside the big red metal object. You can find a crowbar here, grab it as it can come in handy in the game.

From there, move past the guards on your right and to your left, you should be able to see another guard patrol with a lit fire by them. Move towards this location and beside them, you should be able to see a dumpster. Inside it, you will find the Fuse Cell.

How To Get Crane Trauma Feat In Berlin In Hitman 3

Now that you have the Fuel Cell, walk back towards the big yellow crane and near it, you will see a large Fuse Box, insert the Fuse Cell and climb the crane. As you get to the controls, wait until a guard walks underneath the crane and then hit release.

As soon as the thing hits the guard on the head, you will earn the Crane Trauma feat in Berlin in Hitman 3. While you’re here make sure to check out how to unlock the Lethal Poison Vial in Hitman 3 right here on Gamer Tweak.