Title: Shocking Reveals About Horizon Forbidden West: Are You Team Yarra or Team Drakka?


The Horizon Forbidden West has been one of the most awaited games for years now. And as the release date gets closer, more and more revelations are made about the game. One of the most recent ones has been the emergence of two new villains - Yarra and Drakka. Since their introduction, many players have been discussing which team they would like to root for. In this article, we will go over the recent reveals about both characters and explore why one might be team Yarra or team Drakka.


So, who are Yarra and Drakka? Yarra is a new character and leader of the Tenakth tribe, an ally to protagonist Aloy in her quest to save the world from a mysterious red blight. On the other hand, Drakka is the leader of the Eclipse cult, the same enemy faction as in the original game, trying to bring back ancient technology and harness it for their own purposes.

Since the game has an immersive storyline, it becomes difficult to determine which team to root for. However, let’s delve into the revelations that have come out recently and see which team would be more inclined to root for.

First, let’s talk about Yarra. In the latest trailer, she is depicted to be a fierce leader, leading her tribe in battles against machine-like creatures that have devastated the world. She appears to be fearless, resourceful, and determined to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. A few players have already expressed their trust in Yarra and her tribe as they display considerable loyalty towards Aloy.

Second let’s talk about Drakka. In the recent trailer of the game, he is seen as a strong leader with a clear vision of what he wants. Drakka plans to bring back ancient technology and use it for their advantage, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. He is depicted as someone who values results over anything else, which could make him a dangerous adversary that Aloy has to face.


In conclusion, both Yarra and Drakka are intriguing new characters that pose different threats to the protagonist Aloy. While Yarra might be more of a trustworthy ally, Drakka could be more of a formidable foe that could make Aloy’s adventure more challenging. So who will you root for - Team Yarra or Team Drakka? It’s up to you to decide as the game releases later this year.

As you proceed in Horizon Forbidden West, you will encounter a Tenakth tribe that is about to undergo a civil war. There is a side quest, The Gate of Vanquished that involves siding with one of the leaders to execute the other. You have an option to either side with Yarra or Drakka and eliminate the other. While you have a third option to make them both stand down, it doesn’t come to much avail as the war is inevitable. So, here’s our guide on whether choose Yarra or Drakka in Horizon Forbidden West.

Should You Choose Yarra or Drakka in Horizon Forbidden West?

Here are the three options to choose from:

  • Side with Yarra.

  • Side with Drakka.

  • You both need to stand down.

  • As both the parties are willing to kill the other, siding with any of them will result in a war.

  • If you choose Yarra, it will result in a civil war with Drakka and their factions. And choosing Drakka will result in vice-versa.

  • Choosing the third option will result in Aloy asking both of them to work together. The number of opponents and the death toll of the tribes involved will be less if you choose the third option. But it will result in a civil war anyway.

  • While proceeding in the civil war, make sure to kill the warriors of the opponent tribe rather than going forward to kill Yarra or Drakka. That is because the warriors can lower your health with their heavy melee-based attacks.

Rewards for Completing the Quest

  • Once the war is finished, it will result in Drakka killing Yarra or vice versa. That is based on the person you choose.
  • Aloy will talk to them about how the war could have been avoided but know that their war was inevitable sooner or later.
  • Whoever you sided with will reward you a Firestorm Warrior Bow and become the commander of the Desert.
  • As you complete this quest, you will also receive 3 skill points along with 4125 XP.

Make a note that choosing any of them does not affect the future quests or the storyline in the game. So, choose whatever is suitable and makes sense to you.

That’s all on whether choose Yarra or Drakka in Horizon Forbidden West. If you liked this guide, make sure to check our other guides on how to change the time of day, how to put on face paint, and how to activate gyro aiming in Horizon Forbidden West right here on Gamer Tweak.