Revolutionary AI Technology Set to Transform Home Buying Forever - You Won’t Believe What’s Possible!

Are you tired of scouring the internet for hours, searching for the perfect house to buy? Are you fed up with attending countless open houses but still struggling to find your dream home? If so, we have some exciting news for you! Revolutionary AI technology is set to transform the home buying process forever, making it easier and more efficient than ever before.

Introducing machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence that can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and make predictions. With machine learning, you can now find your perfect home in a matter of minutes, rather than weeks, and with very little effort.

So how does machine learning work, and what can it do for you as a home buyer? Let’s take a closer look.

How does machine learning work in the context of home buying?

Machine learning algorithms require vast amounts of data to identify patterns and make predictions. This is where real estate listings and online databases come into play. Machine learning algorithms can use data from a variety of sources, including real estate listings, historical sales data, school districts, crime rates, and much more.

The algorithm is trained on this data, and as it continually analyzes more data, it becomes more accurate and can make increasingly precise predictions. This means that over time, machine learning algorithms can predict which homes you are most likely to be interested in, based on your previous search history and preferences.

What are the benefits of using machine learning for home buying?

There are numerous benefits of using machine learning for home buying, including:


Searching for homes can be a time-consuming process. Machine learning algorithms can help you save time by predicting which homes are most likely to meet your criteria. This means you can quickly and easily find homes that match your tastes and preferences, without having to spend hours trawling through real estate websites.


Machine learning algorithms are incredibly accurate at predicting which homes you are likely to be interested in. They can analyze vast amounts of data, including your browsing history, search preferences, and more, to make precise predictions about the properties that will best meet your needs.


One of the most significant benefits of using machine learning algorithms for home buying is personalization. The algorithm can learn about your preferences and tastes over time, and use this information to make increasingly personalized recommendations. This means you’ll be presented with only the properties that you are most likely to be interested in, based on your personal taste and search history.

What are some of the most exciting AI technologies for home buying?

There are several exciting AI technologies for home buying on the horizon, including:

Virtual staging

Virtual staging technology allows you to visualize how a home might look after it’s been staged. You can see different furniture options and interior layouts, giving you a realistic feel for the space. Virtual staging helps you to envision how a property might look once you’ve moved in.


Chatbots can be integrated into real estate websites or apps, and they can answer common questions that homebuyers have. They can provide information about the homes available in a certain location, answer questions about the buying process or property taxes, and follow up with potential buyers.

Smart contracts

Smart contracts are blockchain-based digital contracts that can enable secure, efficient, and direct transactions between buyers and sellers. Smart contracts contain all the necessary legal terms and conditions, and automatically enforce them once the conditions are met. This technology can streamline the home buying process, making it faster, more efficient, and more secure.


Revolutionary AI technology is set to transform the home buying process, making it more accessible, efficient, and personalized than ever before. With machine learning algorithms continually learning about our preferences and tastes, finding the perfect home is becoming more comfortable and faster than ever before. And with exciting new AI technologies like virtual staging, chatbots, and smart contracts on the horizon, there are even more reasons to be excited about the future of home buying!

Zillow’s latest home app feature proves that artificial intelligence is very much the future of home buying, experts say. 

Key Takeaways

  • A new AI feature in Zillow’s mobile app generates complete floor plans based on photos in a listing. Experts say Zillow’s AI feature will significantly help home buyers in the search process. While AI is a helpful tool, experts say it should still be used along with the help of an actual real estate agent, since they have the best expertise in the industry.

The app now features an AI-generated floor plan on any home you’re looking at to predict room dimensions, square footage, and the location of the listing photos relative to others.

Real estate experts say AI technology will become more prevalent in the design and home shopping experience as an additional tool to help consumers find their dream homes. 

“AI is the algorithm that’s going to hopefully help improve [the search experience] by pulling in more data sets and trying to narrow down what exactly it is you’re looking for,” Jeff Lobb, the founder and CEO of SparkTank Media, told Lifewire over the phone. 

Zillow’s Take On AI

The feature is part of the Zillow app’s 3D home tour that allows prospective home buyers to virtually see what a home looks like without stepping foot inside it. 

By using a 360-degree camera and then applying computer vision and machine learning models to generate a 3D Home tour and interactive floor plan, Zillow says buyers can get a much more accurate sense of a home’s flow and interior space.  

“We are redefining the virtual tour experience by using AI to break down the barriers between listing media—like photos and virtual tours—and listing data, such as square footage and room dimensions,” said Josh Weisberg, vice president of Zillow’s rich media experience team, in the company’s announcement. 

“This new integrated experience will help shoppers better understand the relationship between still photos and the layout of the house, provide a better sense of the space and home features, and improve the overall shopping experience,” Weisberg added. 

Real estate experts say Zillow’s AI app is a smart addition in helping home buyers with their initial searches. 

“I think any AI feature that [Zillow] adds to their platform is just going to help the consumer search experience whittle down to less clicks and start to deliver more relevant information, which is the beauty of AI,” Lobb said. 

Lobb also said Zillow could use AI to help make its home evaluation tool more accurate. It’s a tool that he said is almost always inaccurate, though people often take those value estimates to heart.

AI Uses In Real Estate

Lobb said AI already has begun to integrate itself into the real estate industry, whether it’s an app that can tell you how much sunlight a specific home gets or projections of both residential and commercial growth or downturn. 

“AI makes it easier for both agents and the home buyers,” Lobb said. “It’s becoming an assistant in a lot of the tedious tasks that filter information.” 

For example, Lobb said AI could help deliver a better search experience by tracking a consumer’s habits and likes, For instance, if someone clicks on all of the kitchens in homes, they could be directed to homes with better kitchens. 

AI also could help collect paperwork between real estate agents and loan officers, or provide more accurate financial information, such as cost savings in energy and fees.

However, Lobb cautions that while AI is a helpful tool, it should still be used in conjunction with real estate agents. 

AI is the algorithm that’s going to hopefully help…by pulling in more data sets and trying to narrow down what exactly it is you’re looking for.

“I am always pro real estate agent because AI is good at aggregating the data, but the real estate agents will have the skill to also be able to evaluate the exact market conditions, why that location is better than others, improvements that have been done inside the home, etc., that computers can’t see,” he said. 

Lobb said that many consumers believe AI to be 100% accurate and show only facts, but that home buyers should always take AI data with a grain of salt. 

“AI is definitely getting better, but anything it delivers as far as pricing or values, it’s giving you a range, and that range needs to be vetted with a professional,” he said.

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