Unlock the Secret to Creating Your Perfect Facebook Life with these Timeline Control Hacks!

Social media platforms have become an integral part of our lives. Among them, Facebook has emerged as the most popular platform, connecting millions of people worldwide. However, with time, social media has evolved into something much more than just a platform to socialize, share photos, and connect with friends. Nowadays, social platforms have become a tool for branding, creating a personal image, and even influencing public opinion. To create this image, people often curate their social media profiles to portray an ideal lifestyle which may have little or no resemblance to their actual life. But do you want to know the secret to creating your perfect Facebook life? Here are some Timeline Control Hacks that you must follow!

1. Understand Your Privacy Settings

Facebook offers a plethora of privacy settings, which many people overlook or do not fully understand. For instance, you can choose to show your posts to specific people or groups only, making sure that only selected individuals see what you’re posting. Similarly, you can also control who can see your activity, profile information, and search history. Therefore, it is essential to take some time and adjust your privacy settings as per your preferences.

2. Define Your Goals

Before curating your Facebook profile, it’s crucial to define your goals. What do you want to achieve through your Facebook profile? Do you want to showcase your hobbies, share your personal thoughts, make statements or influence opinions on important societal issues? Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, you can then plot your social media content accordingly.

3. Curate Your Facebook Feed

Facebook can feel overwhelming at times, with hundreds of posts and updates appearing on your feed every moment. Thus, it’s essential to curate your Facebook feed to prioritize the content that you want to see. You can control this by unfollowing, muting, or hiding posts from people or pages that you do not want to see regularly.

4. Embrace Authenticity and Honesty

Social media content that is authentic and honest often garners more engagement and positive feedback than exaggerated or fake content. Embracing honesty and authenticity can be challenging, especially when you want to portray a perfect image. However, it is essential to identify your weaknesses and embrace your flaws. This will help you create a more meaningful relationship with your followers and ensure a more authentic representation of your life.

5. Don’t Go Overboard

As much as Facebook can be tempting, it’s essential to maintain a balance between social media and real life. While capturing memories and sharing experiences is a great way to engage with your audience, don’t go overboard. It’s important to set aside some time in the day that is technology-free, and focus on spending time with your family and friends.

To sum it up, curating your perfect Facebook life is not rocket science. Instead, it’s about understanding your goals, managing your privacy settings, maintaining authenticity, and much more. So, go ahead and apply these Timeline Control Hacks to create your perfect Facebook life. But remember, it’s essential to stop and smell the roses (sometimes literally!), and strike a balance between social media and living in the moment.

Many people misuse the Facebook tagging feature and tag all of their friends in posts. If you have such friends, then most probably your timeline is filled with posts you may not have direct connection with.

If for some reason you can’t unfriend such people, then you should at least review what they are tagging you in before it is posted on your Facebook Timeline. This will ensure your Timeline is clean of all the junk. Let’s see how to do this.

What You Can Control and What You Can’t

Before we tell you how to control what appears on your Facebook Timeline, it is important to know what you can actually control. Facebook allows you to show or hide tagged posts on your Timeline. This doesn’t mean other people won’t be able to tag you without your permission. The only thing you can do is stop it from appearing on your Timeline so your Timeline will stay clean of all the junk you don’t want your profile visitor to see.

The tagged post will still be shown to other people in the Facebook newsfeed, like “X person tagged you in that post.” Additionally, other people can also search for the post to see who tagged you. Of course, you can always untag yourself using the “More” option if you are not comfortable with the post.

Furthermore, if someone posts directly on your Timeline instead of tagging you in the post, then it will be posted without any permission from you.

Control What Appears on Your Facebook Timeline

Now let’s see how you can control posts that appear on your Facebook Timeline. Click on the upside down arrow on the top left corner of the window and select “Settings” from the menu.

Move to the “Timeline and Tagging” section in the left sidebar and click on the “Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline?” option. You will see a button below that will be set as “Disabled.” Click on it and select “Enabled” from the menu.

This will enable the “Review” feature that will stop posts on your Timeline until you review and confirm. Whenever someone tags you in a post, you will receive a notification with a “Timeline Review” option next to it. You can click on it to see the post and then click on “Add to Timeline” to show the post on Timeline or click on “Hide” to hide the post from the Timeline.


That’s how you can simply control what appears on your Facebook Timeline and keep it clean and tidy. If you have such awkward friends who misuse the tagging feature, then you should definitely enable the review feature. It will stop other people from immediately seeing what appears on your Timeline. Additionally, you will also have time to untag yourself if you don’t want to become a part of a post.

Karrar is drenched in technology and always fiddles with new tech opportunities. He has a bad habit of calling technology “Killer”, and doesn’t feel bad about spending too much time in front of the PC. If he is not writing about technology, you will find him spending quality time with his little family.

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