title: “Unlock The Secret To Crafting The Ultimate Stone Brick in V Rising - Level Up Your Game Now!” date: 2022-08-31T12:00:00-00:00 draft: false

Are you tired of using the same old resources in V Rising? Looking to level up your game and make something truly special? Look no further than the ultimate stone brick. In this article, we’ll show you how to unlock the secret to crafting the ultimate stone brick, and take your game to the next level.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

To craft the ultimate stone brick, you’ll need a few key materials. These can be found throughout the world, but we recommend starting in the mines. You’ll need:

  • 1 regular stone brick
  • 2 iron ingots
  • 1 diamond

These materials may take some time to acquire, but trust us - the ultimate stone brick is worth the effort.

Step 2: Craft the Regular Stone Brick

Before you can begin crafting the ultimate stone brick, you’ll need to create a regular stone brick. This requires 2 stone blocks and you’ll create it at your workbench.

Step 3: Craft the Iron Ingot

Next up, you’ll need to craft the iron ingots. You can either acquire the iron ore by mining in caves, or trade for it with a trading post. Once you have the ore, you’ll need to smelt it in a furnace to create ingots.

Step 4: Acquire the Diamond

The final material you’ll need is a diamond. This precious jewel can be found in various locations throughout the world, or can be purchased with enough wealth.

Step 5: Craft the Ultimate Stone Brick

Finally, it’s time to craft the ultimate stone brick. Simply place your regular stone brick, along with the iron ingots and diamond, into your workbench. Voila! You now have the ultimate stone brick.

But what makes this brick so special? The ultimate stone brick is not only visually stunning, but it also provides a significant boost to your fortress’s defense. It’s impervious to almost anything, making it the perfect choice for fortifications or important structures.

Take Your Game to the Next Level

With the ultimate stone brick, you’ll be able to take your game to the next level. But don’t stop there - continue exploring the world, gathering resources, and crafting unique items to make your experience truly your own. Happy crafting!

Bricks are important in V Rising to build your castle, hence you should learn how to get a stone brick first. The stone bricks make it appear like a castle, without the proper appearance, it feels like just a base. And getting them is not easy as you need to grind a lot for it. But while it may be tough, you can still do it with enough time and patience. So in this guide let us check how to get stone bricks in V Rising.

How to Get Stone Brick in V Rising

You need Stones and a Grinder to make Stone Bricks in V Rising. In case you don’t have a grinder we will check how you can get one in a bit, first let us learn about making stone bricks. In order to get them you need:

  • Stones x12
  • Grinder x1 (This won’t be consumed but you need it each time you make the bricks or dust)

Here is the process to get it:

  • Place a Grinder in your castle wherever you feel like it.
  • Now, interact with the Grinder.
  • Here, drag the stones from your equipment tab and drop them into the input section of the Grinder.
  • You will see the process begin and the time it will take to finish.
  • Once done, you will get 1 stone brick and 1 stone dust as the finished product.

Keep repeating the above steps whenever you need bricks and you will have a ton of them in no time.

How to Get a Grinder

  • Go to the production tab.
  • Here you can find the recipe for Grinder, it needs:
  • Planks x8
  • Copper Ingots x4
  • Whetstones x4
  • The process of getting a grinder is probably one of the tedious ones in the game.
  • To get Planks you need a Sawmill which in turn requires 180 wood. Using a sawmill you can craft planks.
  • For getting Copper Ingots you need a furnace which itself needs 60 copper ores and 480 stones. From a furnace, you can produce copper ingots.
  • And lastly, you need Whetstones, you can find them at bandit camps, or you can also craft them. I suggest you check our detailed guide on it to learn both methods of acquiring Whetstone in this game.

That covers everything you should know about how to get stone bricks in V Rising. I also suggest you check our other guides on this game on how to make leather, salvage items, and repair gear.

  • Planks x8

  • Copper Ingots x4

  • Whetstones x4

  • The process of getting a grinder is probably one of the tedious ones in the game.

  • To get Planks you need a Sawmill which in turn requires 180 wood. Using a sawmill you can craft planks.

  • For getting Copper Ingots you need a furnace which itself needs 60 copper ores and 480 stones. From a furnace, you can produce copper ingots.

  • And lastly, you need Whetstones, you can find them at bandit camps, or you can also craft them. I suggest you check our detailed guide on it to learn both methods of acquiring Whetstone in this game.

  • To get Planks you need a Sawmill which in turn requires 180 wood. Using a sawmill you can craft planks.

  • For getting Copper Ingots you need a furnace which itself needs 60 copper ores and 480 stones. From a furnace, you can produce copper ingots.

  • And lastly, you need Whetstones, you can find them at bandit camps, or you can also craft them. I suggest you check our detailed guide on it to learn both methods of acquiring Whetstone in this game.