
In today’s digital age, content is everything. From music to movies, eBooks to software, we download our dreams in the form of various media. However, downloading content can be a frustrating experience if you don’t have the right tools or knowledge. That’s why we’re here to save the day with the ultimate guide to creating a download link!

What is a Download Link?

Simply put, a download link is a clickable hyperlink that allows you to download files of various types from the internet. These links are the backbone of the internet as they allow users to access and download all kinds of media from the comfort of their homes. Whether you’re a content creator or just someone looking to download a movie or two, download links are essential tools to have in your toolkit.

How to Create a Download Link

Creating a download link may sound like a daunting task, but it’s actually easier than you might think! There are many ways to create a download link, but we’ll be guiding you through the simplest method.

Step 1: Upload your file to a web server

Before you can create a download link, you first need to upload your file to a web server. This can be done by using a service like Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive. Once you’ve uploaded your file, make sure to copy its direct download link.

Step 2: Create a hyperlink

Now that you have your direct download link, the next step is to create a hyperlink. Simply open a text editor or word processor and type out the name of your file. Highlight your file name and click the hyperlink button. This will open up a dialogue box where you can paste your direct download link.

Step 3: Save and share

You’re almost there! Save your file and test the hyperlink to make sure it works. Once you’re satisfied, share your download link with the world!


In conclusion, creating a download link is a simple yet essential skill to have in today’s digital world. With this guide, you can easily download your dreams and share your own creations with the world. Whether you’re a content creator or just someone who loves downloading media, a download link is a tool you can’t afford to be without.

It’s interesting how some things come full circle. In the early days of the Web, browsers would automatically download links to files that weren’t a web page, like images, PDF files, and documents. Then, browsers became so advanced that they were able to open nearly any file in real-time. That created a problem for developers, though. How would you force a browser to download a file, instead of opening it? A bunch of hacks and workarounds sprung up to solve the issue, but none were a true solution. That all changed with HTML5 when the Download Attribute was introduced.

Now, developers can add a special download attribute to their HTML anchor tags to tell browsers to treat a link as a download, rather than opening the target file. There are a few different ways that you can use the Download Attribute to control the way browsers handle your download links. Even better, all modern browsers support the Download Attribute, so you shouldn’t see any issues with compatibility or the need for a fallback.

There are a few different ways that you can handle the Download Attribute. Each has its own benefit, and they all work smoothly across different browsers.

The Plain Download Attribute

The simplest way to use the Download Attribute is to just include it in its most basic form in your anchor tags. You don’t need to include an additional file name or any supporting information.

<a href="/path/tp/download.pdf" download>Download Now!

The result looks like this:

By including “download” you’re telling any browser reading the page to download the target link instead of opening it. In this instance, the browser will download the file exactly as it is with the same name. The user will see the following Save box.

Changing the File Name

What happens if you actually want to change the name. There are plenty of occasions where you’d want to do this. Automatically generated file names are a good example. They usually have ridiculously long names with strings of garbage characters. That’s not the experience you want for your visitors. You can standardize things with the Download Attribute.

To specify a file name, set the download attribute equal to it. Exclude the file extension. The browser can’t and won’t convert the file type, so there’s no sense in trying.

<a href="/path/to/download.pdf" download=“your-file”>Download Now!

Your visitors will download the file as your-file.pdf.

Downloading an Image

Along with this comes a simplified way to let your users download images directly. This isn’t revolutionary, and you can probably piece it together yourself, but you can use the download attribute to create a downloadable image link.

Start by setting up an image like you normally would on your page. This, of course, will be the image that’s available for download.

<img src="/path/to/image.jpg" alt=“my image”>

Then, encapsulate the whole thing in an anchor tag, linking to the image path.

Finally, add in the download attribute to your anchor tag. You can change the name of your image if you like.

<a href="/path/to/image.jpg">  <img src="/path/to/image.jpg" alt=“my image”>

<a href="/path/to/image.jpg" download=“image-download”>  <img src="/path/to/image.jpg" alt=“my image”>

Now, when a visitor clicks the image, they’ll automatically download it directly from your server. It’s not necessary, and it might seem like overkill to a developer, but how many site visitors would think to right-click on an image to view or download it?

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