You Won’t Believe How Easy It Is To Create A Group Email In Gmail - Save Time And Boost Efficiency Now!

Have you ever found yourself wasting time sending the same email to multiple people individually? It’s not only time-consuming, but it’s also tedious and can leave room for error. Fortunately, Gmail has a solution for that - creating a group email. In this article, we’ll show you just how easy it is to set up a group email in Gmail and how it can save you tons of time and boost your efficiency in the long run.

Why Creating a Group Email is Important

Whether you’re sending out invitations to an event, updates to your team, or announcements to your clients, sending the same email individually to multiple people can be exhausting. Creating a group email allows you to send the same message to multiple contacts at the same time. This means no more copying and pasting or sending the same email multiple times, saving you tons of time and energy.

Moreover, creating a group email can ensure that everyone on your list is receiving the same information. We’ve all experienced the hassle of sending emails with crucial information only to find out that some people didn’t receive it. With a group email, you can rest assured that everyone on your list is getting the message, increasing efficiency and productivity.

How to Create a Group Email in Gmail

Now that we’ve covered the importance of creating a group email, let’s dive into how easy it is to set up one in Gmail. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to your Gmail account and click on “Compose”.
  2. In the “To” field, type in the name or email address of the first contact you want to add to your group.
  3. Next, click on the “Bcc” button located at the bottom of the “To” field.
  4. This will open up the “Bcc” field. Type in the name or email address of the rest of the contacts you want to add to your group, separated by commas.
  5. Hit “Enter”, and Gmail will automatically save your group email as a contact.
  6. To use your group email in the future, simply click on “Compose” and type in the name of your group email in the “To” field. Gmail will automatically populate the “Bcc” field with all the contacts in your group.

That’s it! Creating a group email in Gmail is as easy as that. You can now save time and boost your productivity by sending the same message to multiple people simultaneously with just a click of a button.

Best Practices for using Group Emails in Gmail

Now that you know how to create a group email in Gmail, there are a few best practices to keep in mind to ensure maximum efficiency and productivity. Here are some tips to help you make the most out of your group emails:

  • Use clear and concise subject lines. This helps recipients know what the email is about at a glance.
  • Avoid overloading your emails with too much information. Keep them simple and to the point.
  • Personalize your emails by addressing the recipient by name.
  • Double-check that you’ve added all the right contacts to your group before hitting the send button.
  • Regularly update your group email list to ensure that you’re only sending messages to relevant contacts.


Creating a group email is a simple and effective way of saving time and boosting productivity. With Gmail, you can easily create a group email in just a few clicks. Remember to follow best practices to ensure that your emails are effective and well-received. Try it out today and see how it can transform your email communication for the better.

If you are using Gmail to regularly send emails to multiple people, you should create a common group for all of them. Indeed, groups are useful to segregate friends, family, casual acquaintances and professional contacts.

Whether you use Google’s webmail, phone app or a desktop email client, creating a group email in Gmail is really easy. Follow the below instructions to start using Gmail groups right now.

Creating Gmail Groups in Webmail

To create a Gmail group in your webmail, login to your Gmail account. Go to the app drawer on your top-right and click “Contacts.”

Here you will find all your visible contacts. There is an option for Gmail labels. It is now the new default setting in Gmail to add contacts to an email group. Click “Create label” to create a new email group.

Give your new label a name such as “Group-2” and save it.

When you click on a saved label, it will prompt you to add new contacts. To import contacts into this new label, simply select a contact and click its three-dot icon. You can easily transfer it to one of the saved labels as shown here.

Gmail also allows you to select multiple contacts and add all of them to a saved label.

Subsequently, if you click on any of the labels, you will be able to see all the contacts that are saved under it.

To remove a contact from a label, simply select its three-dot icon and click “remove from label.” Your groups are scalable, and there is no upper limit on how many contacts you can add to each label.

From now on, when you compose an email in your Gmail account, you will be able to select one or more groups and all of its constituent members.

You can always click on the group to see the expanded list of all members.

You can also share Google Drive documents with one or more group contacts.

Adding Gmail Groups in Thunderbird

If you’re using Gmail with Thunderbird, the email addresses can be easily added to a group “Address Book” on your top window. Click “New list” to start adding email addresses to your group.

As soon as the email addresses have been added, you can send group emails using your Thunderbird Gmail account.

Adding Gmail Groups in Outlook

If you’re using Gmail with the Outlook desktop app, go to your Outlook homescreen and click “Contacts.” Next, click “new contact group.”

Here you can add each member to the group one by one. Alternatively, you may import them from your Outlook contacts or other address groups.

Once the group has been saved, you can easily retrieve them next time you compose an email in Outlook.

Adding Gmail Groups on Phone Apps

To add Gmail groups on Android, you only have to download and install the Contacts app. The app will back up and sync your contacts from the desktop. The procedure to create and edit groups using “labels” remains the same as discussed earlier. The Contacts app is only supported on Android Marshmallow and above.

If you use Gmail with iPhone, the above app is not supported. You can use an alternative called “Contacts sync for Google Gmail.” It makes your iPhone and Gmail contacts match each other and supports their respective groups.


We previously saw how emails can be multi-forwarded in Gmail. For sending emails regularly to multiple people, the Groups feature of Gmail makes your life easier.

What improvements do you think should be made to Gmail’s group email facility? For me, it would be the ability to add sub-groups, a feature which is currently missing. Do let us know your views on this in the comments.

Sayak Boral is a technology writer with over eleven years of experience working in different industries including semiconductors, IoT, enterprise IT, telecommunications OSS/BSS, and network security. He has been writing for MakeTechEasier on a wide range of technical topics including Windows, Android, Internet, Hardware Guides, Browsers, Software Tools, and Product Reviews.

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