Title: Unleash Your Inner Bandicoot: Discover The Secret Trick To HIGH Jumping In Crash Bandicoot 4!
Are you a fan of the iconic video game series Crash Bandicoot? If so, then you must be familiar with the thrilling experience of jumping over obstacles and enemies in the game. High jumping in Crash Bandicoot 4 is an essential skill to master if you want to progress further in the game. However, it’s not always easy to execute the perfect jump, especially when it comes to jumping to seemingly impossible heights. But fear not, as we have uncovered the secret trick to high jumping in Crash Bandicoot 4.
Firstly, it’s crucial to understand the basic mechanics of jumping in Crash Bandicoot 4. The game features three types of jumps: normal jump, double jump, and tornado spin jump. The normal jump is the most basic jump, the double jump allows for an extra boost, while the tornado spin jump is used to break boxes and attack enemies. However, when it comes to jumping over gaps or obstacles, a high jump is required.
The secret trick to high jumping in Crash Bandicoot 4 is known as the “Bounce Jump” or “Super Jump.” It involves bouncing off certain enemies or objects to gain extra height during the jump. The Bounce Jump is not only useful for reaching higher platforms or avoiding hazards but can also be used to collect Wumpa fruits and other items that are out of reach.
To execute the Bounce Jump, you need to first perform a double jump and then immediately spin attack an enemy or object. The spin attack will send you flying higher into the air, allowing you to clear larger gaps and reach higher platforms. It might take some practice to perfect the timing, but once mastered, the Bounce Jump is a game-changer.
Another useful tip for high jumping in Crash Bandicoot 4 is to utilize the slide spin jump technique. This technique involves sliding into an enemy or object and then immediately spinning in the opposite direction to gain extra height. The slide spin jump can be a bit tricky to pull off, but it’s an excellent option when you need a quick high jump in tight spaces.
In conclusion, mastering the art of high jumping in Crash Bandicoot 4 is essential to progress further in the game. With the Bounce Jump and slide spin jump techniques, you can easily reach new heights and collect valuable items. So, go ahead, unleash your inner Bandicoot, and execute those high jumps like a pro!
Fans of the Crash Bandicoot series have already got their hands on the newest title on PS4 and Xbox One featuring lots of levels (normal, inverted and more). There are boss levels and flashback levels in the game which is why it is essential to know everything that your characters can do in the game. One of the most crucial things to understand is how to jump higher in Crash Bandicoot 4. Well, there’s a certain trick to do if you want to do high jumps in this game. This guide will show you how to make that happen.
Crash Bandicoot 4: How To Do a High Jump?
Apart from the jump and double jump actions that you can perform in the game, you can go even higher while playing as Coco or Crash. The trick for that is simple. Basically, you have to first crouch and then do a double jump. Easy peasy.
So, here is the button sequence for that. First press B on Xbox One or Circle on PS4. This will make you crouch down. Then, quickly press the jump button two times. The button you have to press twice is X on PS4 controller and A on the Xbox controller.
That is pretty much it! You have to do this in order to overcome obstacles that are too tall. Share this tip with your friends who are playing this game and help them proceed through it hassle-free too. Note that Tawna cannot do this crouch-jump move – she has the pure double jump and a different special ability.
Now that you know how to jump higher in Crash Bandicoot 4, don’t miss our other guide on how long it takes to beat the game. That is the amount of time you need to invest in this game which has a high replayability factor. Also find out if this game has co-op online multiplayer.
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