Unleash Your Inner Slugger: Master the Art of Hitting in MLB The Show 21 Today!

If you’re a fan of baseball and video games, then chances are you’ve heard of MLB The Show 21. This popular video game series allows players to experience the excitement of playing baseball from their own homes. While every aspect of baseball is simulated in this game, nothing captures the thrill of the game quite like hitting a home run. In this article, we will explore some tips and tricks that will help you become an expert slugger in MLB The Show 21.

Choosing your Batter Stance

Before you take the plate, the first thing you need to do is choose your stance. The perfect stance is different for everybody, but the idea is to find one that you feel comfortable with. Take time and experiment with different kinds of batting stances to determine which one fits best for you. You should feel natural and at ease throughout the process. The right stance will help to put you in an optimal position to hit the baseball and achieve the desired outcome: a home run.

Understanding Pitches

Next, you need to learn how to read the different pitches thrown by the pitcher. Understanding the pitches will help you to make more informed decisions at the plate. It will allow you to adjust your stance and make solid contact with the ball. As a batter, you’re likely to see a variety of pitches throughout the game. These can include fastballs, change-ups, curveballs, sliders, and many others. Each pitch will have different speeds, movements, and spins that you will have to account for.

Timing is Everything

The key to hitting a successful home run is timing your swing. It’s critical to get your timing down by repeatedly practicing your swing in the Batter’s Box. Aim to time your swing perfectly with the movement of the pitcher’s arm. When the pitcher releases the ball, the batter needs to be in a position to react quickly and hit the sweet spot of the bat with full force. The sweet spot is the area of the barrel where the ball will have greater velocity when hit.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Finally, the most important way to become a master at hitting is to practice, practice, and practice. It’s essential to get to the batting cages as many times as possible to work on your skills. Hitting is a difficult task, and even the most skilled players have to work hard to stay sharp. Try to invest time daily in playing and practicing this game. Each game you play and each training session will help you to hone your swinging timing, stance, accuracy, and speed.


In summary, becoming a champ at hitting requires one to choose the right batting stance, learn about the pitches, perfect the timing of the swing, and practice regularly. These tips can make a massive difference in your performance on the virtual baseball field. When it comes to MLB The show 21, Unleashing your inner slugger is about putting your total mind and body into the game. With practice and dedication, there’s no doubt that you’ll become a powerful hitter in no time.

You do need to learn how to hit the ball better in MLB The Show 21. There is just no getting around this in any way. Batting is the only way to score runs in MLB and win a ballgame. However, for players just starting out, it can be a bit intimidating with the plethora of options in The Show 21. If you are one of them, scroll down and read below to understand how to hit the ball better in MLB The Show 21.

How to strike the ball better in MLB The Show 21

There are a variety of tricks you can use to improve your batting and strike the ball better. You can hit the ball better with the help of any of these methods:

  • Practicing
  • Activating the PCI
  • Changing the Hitting Interface
  • Changing the Camera Angle
  • Experimenting with different shots

How to hit the ball better by practicing in MLB 21

Practice makes perfect. The old adage resounds even in games and there is just no getting around it. You will take some time to settle down into the game before you start hitting homers. Practicing will help you time your shots correctly and is also a place where you can make tweaks to all the settings which we will mention further on in the guide. This will help you gain confidence in yourself while improving your timing in the game. It will even allow you to practice new shots without the fear of losing the game. You can practice how to bunt, hit home runs, or even strategically placing your shots. The Bullpen will allow you to do all this and as another handy feature, it will also boost your stats.

Activating the PCI in MLB The Show 21

The PCI is a handy addition to MLB The Show 21. PCI is an active, ball prediction feature that batters can use to their benefit in the game. Aligning the PCI with the predicted ball location will lead to maximum contact between the bat and the ball. This will allow for stronger, well-struck shots that will help you hit and connect with the ball better. Another handy feature about the PCI is its immense customization capability. You can choose to model the PCI to what suits you better. So if you were facing distraction issues with the default PCI interface you can switch it up. Play around and experiment to see what suits you better.

Strike the ball better by changing the Hitting Interface

There are 3 modes for the ball Hitting Interface in MLB The Show 21 which can be accessed through the gameplay menu. These three modes are Zone, Directional, and Pure Analog.

The Zone Hitting Interface is our pick of the bunch as you can adapt to it easily and it works relatively well with the PCI. With the Zone hitting interface, you will have a focus on timing, something that you should develop in order to play MLB The Show 21 properly. You can’t just wildly swing your bat at every ball that comes your way and is something that is of profound importance in the Zone hitting interface.

Directional is another Hitting interface available. With the Directional Hitting Interface, you can influence the direction and trajectory of the ball you want to hit. This is actually a pretty good interface if you want to hit ground balls as you can position them effectively around the field. However, it is partially computer-controlled so it might not get the result you want always.

Pure Analog is the third Hitting Interface available. To hit the balls with this interface you will have to use the Right analog stick on your controllers. With this hitting interface, it might get a bit much as you will have to use both analog sticks for the PCI and the Hitting Interface. However, this mode makes it easy to influence the PCI a bit.

Again, these are just our opinions and it is a good idea to try out different stuff in practice to get used to them.

Hit the ball better by changing the Camera Angle in MLB The Show 21

Changing the camera is one of the major things you can do to help influence your gameplay in MLB. Keeping the camera on Strike Zone is preferable as it allows you to track the ball once it is pitched. With this, you can choose and time your shot better so that you can hit the ball better. Doing so will help you maximize contact of the ball with your bat as you will be able to move the PCI and track the ball.

Pay some attention to the Swing Feedback. This will give you some handy feedback on where the ball is being placed and how you are swinging the bat. With this, you can properly predict the ball’s trajectory and even check whether you have placed the PCI correctly. Later you can use this information in practice so that you can practice that particular shot.

Switching up and Experimenting with your Shot Selection to hit the ball better

Changing your shots will help confuse the striker as well as give you a better chance at scoring runs. You can use a normal shot most of the time as it is the most reliable shot in the game that you can use. It will also ensure that you hit the ball better in MLB 21 most of the time.

If you are looking at hitting a power shot, make sure that there is a powerful player on the plate. Link up your PCI correctly with the upper dots for a perfect angle and power combination in the shot. This can allow you to hit Home Runs if timed correctly. 

If your bases are loaded and you are looking to sneak a quick point by stealing a base you can choose to use the Bunt option. However, make sure that you’re not on a Strike as you can get a strikeout while bunting.

The most logical option can be to play a grounded shot. A well-positioned shot can easily slice through the field and give you a good opportunity to run up the bases. This also makes sure that you hit the ball better.

Additional tips and tricks on how to hit the ball better in MLB

Don’t wildly swing at every shot that comes your way. This will reduce your chances of getting proper contact on the ball. It is okay to analyze the ball movement correctly beforehand by just letting one ball go. This will help you position your PCI better and help you to hit the ball better.

Keep an eye out on the Pitcher’s confidence level and stamina. If you let go of some pitches and if they are out of the strike zone their confidence will start dropping. As the game progresses you will see that their stamina drops too which will cause them to pitch slower balls. Once their confidence and energy levels are low you can try to hit some power shots.

Choose the Dynamic difficulty setting. This will ensure that the difficulty increases depending on your progress in the game. MLB The Show 21 is pretty seamless in this matter and you can change it back when you think it’s getting too tough.

This is everything you need to know about how to hit the ball better in MLB The Show 21. While you are here you can have a look at the various game modes you can use. If you want to earn more rewards you can have a look at how to level up fast in MLB.