5 Tactics to Spot - and Survive - a Devious Mimic in Phasmophobia!

Phasmophobia is a unique and thrilling video game that places players in the shoes of ghost hunters tasked with investigating paranormal activity. One of the most challenging ghosts to face in the game is the Mimic. Mimics are mischievous apparitions that can take on the appearance of any object in the game. This includes furniture, doors, and even other players. In this article, we will explore five tactics to spot, and survive, a devious Mimic in Phasmophobia!

Understanding Mimic Behavior

Before we dive into the tactics to spot and survive a Mimic in Phasmophobia, it’s essential to understand their behavior. Mimics are highly unpredictable and can quickly shift between their ghost form and an object in the game. They cannot be detected by standard ghost-hunting equipment such as EMF readers and Thermometers. However, they do emit a faint humming noise that can be heard when they are near.

1. Keep an Ear out for Humming Sounds.

As mentioned earlier, Mimics emit a faint humming noise when they are near. It’s vital to keep your ears open and listen for this sound. If you hear a humming noise that is not coming from your equipment, there’s a good chance that a Mimic is close. You should also keep a close watch on your teammate’s movements. If you notice someone who seems to be acting out of character or not interacting with the game environment, there is a chance they could be a Mimic in disguise.

2. Check Your Equipment

Although Mimics cannot be detected by standard equipment, they can still interact with the game environment. For instance, they can trigger motion sensors, trip wire sensors, and sound sensors. If you notice any of your equipment getting triggered without a clear reason, it’s essential to investigate immediately. It’s possible that a Mimic is playing games with you, and you should be ready for any surprises.

3. Experiment with Objects

One of the most challenging aspects of Mimics is their ability to take on the appearance of any object in the game. However, there are some ways to experiment with objects to see if they are a Mimic in disguise. For instance, if you shine your flashlight at an object, and it does not cast a shadow, there is a good chance that it is a Mimic. Additionally, if you toss an object and it disappears, it’s safe to assume that it was a Mimic.

4. Stay Vigilant in Large Spaces

Mimics are highly unpredictable and dangerous in large spaces. They can quickly move from one object to another and keep you guessing. If you’re in a large space, it’s essential to keep a close eye on your environment and stay vigilant. If you notice any strange occurrences, investigate them immediately. You should also keep your equipment close at hand and use it to scan your surroundings for any abnormalities.

5. Work with Your Team

Finally, working with your team is crucial in surviving a Mimic encounter in Phasmophobia. Mimics can quickly overwhelm a lone player, so it’s essential to have someone watching your back. Communicate with your teammates and coordinate your movements to maximize your chances of survival. If you notice any strange behavior, alert your team immediately, and work together to investigate.

In conclusion, Mimics are some of the most challenging ghosts to face in Phasmophobia. They are highly unpredictable and can quickly shift between their ghost form and an object in the game. However, by keeping your ears open, experimenting with objects, and staying vigilant in large spaces, you can increase your chances of surviving a Mimic encounter. Most importantly, work with your team, communicate effectively, and be ready for any surprises that come your way!

It can be quite difficult to find or identify a Mimic while playing Phasmophobia. As per the game’s description, it has the ability to copy the behaviour and trait of others and ghosts. This ability can make it really annoying to guess which ghost you are facing. Thankfully though this ghost also has several ways to let you identify itself. So in this guide let us take a look at how to identify and find a Mimic in Phasmophobia.

How to Find & Identify a Mimic

The game tells you there are four pieces of evidence to find in order to identify a mimic in Phasmophobia. Three are given directly and one is hinted in its weakness, they are:

  • Spirit Box: It allows you to talk to ghosts. This tool costs $50.
  • Fingerprints: You need to use UV light to illuminate the area where you are looking for fingerprints for evidence.
  • Orbs: You can use the video camera & tripods as well to look for any ghost orbs. Both of these tools’ combined cost is $75.
  • Freezing Temperatures: You can identify if the area you are in has freezing temperatures using a thermometer. This tool costs $30. Although if you can’t buy a thermometer then you can also look out for your character’s breath.

Mimic is known for leaving a trail of ghost orbs behind. But the biggest giveaway here is its ability to mimic other ghosts, as the name suggests. So while playing normal mode you can use the above ways to identify a mimic. And as for the nightmare more it can leave any 3 of the above 4 pieces of evidence for you to identify.

Things you should look out for when facing a Mimic

  • Pieces of evidence: If you find any three of the evidence mentioned above then it is a Mimic.
  • Behaviour: Mimic can copy the Behaviour of other ghosts but not their evidence. So if you are getting different behaviours then there is a high chance you are facing a Mimic.

That covers everything you should know to find and identify a Mimic in Phasmophobia. If you need other help with this game then check our guides on ghost types and how to use every item in the game.