Title: Unlock the Secret to Crystal-Clear Reading with This Simple Trick for Google Reader Font Size on Android - Guaranteed to Make Your Reading Experience 10 Times Better!
Are you tired of squinting your eyes to read articles on your Android device? Do you often have to zoom in and out to make the font size readable? Well, worry no more as we have the perfect solution for you. With this simple trick, you can unlock the secret to crystal-clear reading on Google Reader and make your reading experience 10 times better.
Follow the steps below to adjust your font size on Google Reader:
Step 1: Open Google Reader
The first step is to open Google Reader on your Android device. You can do this by tapping on the Google Reader app or opening it in your web browser.
Step 2: Find the Settings Menu
Once you’re in Google Reader, find the settings menu. This can usually be found by tapping on the three horizontal lines in the top left corner of the screen.
Step 3: Select the Font Size Option
Once you’re in the settings menu, look for the font size option. This is where you can adjust the size of the fonts in your Google Reader. You can choose from small, medium, large, and extra-large font sizes.
Step 4: Choose Your Desired Font Size
Select the font size that works best for you. If you’re having trouble seeing the text, choose a larger font size. If you want to fit more content on the screen, choose a smaller font size.
Step 5: Save Your Settings
Once you’ve chosen your desired font size, don’t forget to save your settings by hitting the save button. This will ensure that your preferences are saved for future reading sessions.
And there you have it! With these simple steps, you can unlock the secret to crystal-clear reading on Google Reader and enhance your reading experience. No more squinting or struggling to read small texts on your Android device.
In conclusion, a simple trick like adjusting the font size can significantly improve your reading experience on Google Reader. Don’t let small text sizes hinder your reading pleasure. Apply these steps and make the most out of your reading sessions.
Using the Android browser to surf the web is usually quite painfree. Whenever you encounter a site that is not optimized for mobile, you simply do a pinch action to zoom into the site. However, if you load the Google Reader site on your Android browser, you will definitely be frustrated over the small font and the inability to zoom into the site. No matter how hard you pinch, the small font just won’t become bigger.
If you are looking for ways to increase the font size of Google Reader site (or any other sites that don’t allow scaling) so as to increase the readability, here is a simple hack using bookmarket.
Launch your browser in Android.
Launch your menu and go to the Bookmarks options.
Add a bookmark.
Give your bookmark a name, such as “Enlarge Font”. In the Location field, enter the following javascript:
Tap on “OK” to save the bookmark.
Now go to the Google Reader site and access your favorite feed.
To enlarge the font, go to your bookmark and load the bookmarklet that you have just added. You should see a popout window, prompting you to enter the font size. You can now enter the font size you want, and don’t forget to include “px” at the back.
Press OK and that’s it. Your page is magically enlarged.
Other than absolute pixel size, you can also use words like “large”, “larger”, “x-large”, “xx-large” to increase the font size.
The above trick should also work for any site that doesn’t allow scaling. It will also work in iPhone, iPod Touch and other mobile devices that support bookmarklets.
Let us know in the comments if this is useful to you.
Image credit: Johan Larsson
Damien Oh started writing tech articles since 2007 and has over 10 years of experience in the tech industry. He is proficient in Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and iOS, and worked as a part time WordPress Developer. He is currently the owner and Editor-in-Chief of Make Tech Easier.
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