+++++ title = “Transform Your Ubuntu Experience with the Gorgeous Pantheon Desktop – Easy Step-by-Step Guide Inside!” tags = [“Ubuntu”, “Pantheon”, “Desktop Environment”, “Linux”] date = “2022-05-18” author = “OpenAI” +++++

If you’re a Linux user, you’re probably aware that there are countless desktop environments to choose from. Each desktop environment offers different features and advantages over others. One such desktop environment, which stands out from the rest, is the Pantheon desktop.

Pantheon is a visually stunning, easy-to-use, and highly customizable desktop environment that is tailor-made for Ubuntu users. It was designed by the elementary OS team and is based on GNOME. The Pantheon desktop is lightweight, fast, and great for users who prefer a clean and sleek look. If you’re looking to upgrade your Ubuntu experience, switch to the Pantheon Desktop today!

In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to install the Pantheon Desktop on your Ubuntu machine.

Step 1: Add the Pantheon Desktop Repository

The Pantheon desktop is not available by default on Ubuntu, so you will need to add the Pantheon Desktop repository manually. Run the following command in your Terminal to do so:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:elementary-os/stable

This command will add the elementary OS PPA to your system’s repository list.

Step 2: Update your System

Once you’ve added the Pantheon repository, you should update your system to ensure that you have access to the latest packages. Run the following command in your Terminal:

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade 

Step 3: Install the Pantheon Desktop

You’re now ready to install the Pantheon desktop environment. Run the following command in your Terminal to start the installation process:

$ sudo apt install pantheon-desktop

This process will take some time, depending on your internet speed and your system’s configuration. Once the installation is complete, you can log out of your current session and log in to the Pantheon desktop environment.

Step 4: Customize your Pantheon Desktop

The Pantheon desktop is highly customizable, and you can make changes to suit your preferences. You can add new themes, icons, and extensions to enhance your experience further. You can access the settings by clicking on the “System Settings” icon on the dock.

Final Words

The Pantheon desktop is a beautiful and functional desktop environment that can transform your Ubuntu experience. With its sleek design and ease of use, it’s the perfect choice for users looking to improve their productivity and workflow. With this easy-to-follow guide, you can install and customize your Pantheon Desktop effortlessly.

Ubuntu comes in a lot of flavors, all of which are based around a popular desktop environment. There are a couple of notable omissions, though, and those are usually the result of a distribution based on Ubuntu using that desktop. Linux Mint is one great example, with the Cinnamon desktop. Elementary OS and its popular Pantheon desktop environment is another.

Because Elementary OS is based directly off of LTS releases of Ubuntu, it’s not too hard to get Pantheon on Ubuntu. In fact, it’s available in a PPA maintained by the Elementary developers. But there is one major question that you need to ask yourself.

If you plan on using an LTS version of Ubuntu, you might want to use Elementary OS instead. Elementary is essentially Ubuntu tailored to work around Pantheon with some other nice quality of life improvements. If you’d rather use the latest versions of Ubuntu with Pantheon, adding the PPA is your best option. Just be forewarned that the packages are built for the latest LTS.

Add the PPA

To start, add the PPA to your Ubuntu system. If you’re on Bionic or earlier, it’ll be easier. Add the PPA with Apt.

If you’re on a release beyond Bionic, like Cosmic, you’re going to need to do this manually. So, create a new file for your configuration.

Now, add the following lines to the file.

Once you have that, import the key for the repository.

Whichever way you arrived, update Apt, and get ready to install Pantheon.

Install Pantheon

With that PPA, you have the ability to pull nearly anything from Elementary OS to your Ubuntu system. As a result, there are a couple of ways that you can approach this. First, you can just install everything in one shot.

During the install process, Apt will stop to ask you which login manager you want to use. Select LightDM. It’s the same one Ubuntu used to use with Unity, and it works fine when you want to switch back to GNOME, too.

Next, you can just pull the desktop setup.

If you want all of the Elementary themes and icons, you can pull in what you want there, too.

You can install any of the other packages from Pantheon with the PPA. You can find the whole listing on the Launchpad page.

When you’re done, it’d be a good idea to update Ubuntu to see if any other packages should be updated to match the versions in the PPA.

Reboot into Pantheon

When you’re done installing Pantheon and updating Ubuntu, you can reboot Ubuntu. When Ubuntu finishes booting back up, you should arrive in LightDM instead of GDM, which was the default. That’s a good sign that everything worked properly. Click on the desktop icon to change the environment you want to log in to. Pantheon should be listed there as an available option, and you should choose it.

When you log in to your new Pantheon desktop, you’ll be greeted with something that looks like a cross between Ubuntu and Elementary OS. You can use the settings to change the theme however you would like. Pantheon is a GTK desktop based on GNOME, so most themes that are compatible will work with Pantheon.

Since this is done through a PPA that’s actively maintained by the Elementary OS developers for Elementary, there’s no real risk of your Pantheon desktop ever falling too far out of date or being dropped. Instead, you’ll be able to keep Pantheon updated alongside Ubuntu and receive the latest benefits straight from Elementary OS. You may need to change your repository file to reflect new releases when they arrive, but that’s about all.

Nick is a freelance tech. journalist, Linux enthusiast, and a long time PC gamer.

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