Title: Survive Evil Dead The Game With These Insanely Simple Tricks To Beat Fear!

Are you ready to embark on a journey to defeat evil and survive in the Evil Dead the game? It’s a daunting task, but don’t worry. With our insanely simple tricks, you’ll be able to beat fear and emerge victorious. Keep reading to learn what it takes to survive this game.

Tip #1: Stay Calm, Stay Focused

One of the keys to surviving Evil Dead the game is to stay calm and focused. Don’t let the horror and tension get to you. When you panic, you’re more likely to make mistakes that can cost you the game. Take a deep breath, clear your mind, and stay focused on your goal: to defeat the evil that haunts you.

Tip #2: Know Your Tools And Weapons

In order to survive in Evil Dead, you need to know your tools and weapons inside out. Spend some time understanding the features of your weapons and how to use them correctly. Whether it’s using your chainsaw or shotgun, knowing how to wield your weapons will help you take down the monsters with ease.

Tip #3: Plan Your Moves

Surviving Evil Dead also requires planning your moves. You can’t just run around aimlessly, hoping to get lucky. Take some time to map out your next moves, and plan your strategies for taking down the enemies. Look for the best places to hide and set up traps. Also, be on the lookout for any possible escape routes.

Tip #4: Work As A Team

Evil Dead can be a challenging game to play alone. Instead, try to work as a team with other players. You can work together to overcome challenges, share resources, and strategize together. Teamwork is crucial in defeating evil and surviving the game.

Tip #5: Know When To Run

Sometimes, running is the best option. If you find yourself in a situation where taking down the enemies is not possible, don’t hesitate to run. Staying alive is more important than taking down every monster in your path. Know when to retreat and live to fight back another time.


Following these five simple tricks could mean the difference between surviving Evil Dead the game and succumbing to the evil that surrounds you. Stay calm and focused, know your tools, plan your moves, work as a team, and know when to run. With these tips in mind, you’ll be ready to take on the monsters and defeat the evil that lurks in the shadows.

Staying alive is of utmost importance in Evil Dead The Game and one of the main indications of it is the Fear Meter. Players need to know how fear works and how to decrease the Fear Level in Evil Dead The Game so that they can ensure their own (and their team’s) survival against the Kandarian Demon.

How to Reduce Fear Meter Level in Evil Dead The Game Fast

As you progress in the game, your Fear level will keep increasing as you face more demons – big and small. It’s indicated by the bar below your HP bar and has a marker to depict the threshold. Once it’s beyond a certain limit (75%), the Demon can possess you. In a worst case scenario, this could even mean death. When your fear level is too high, here’s what you can do to keep it low:

Table of Contents

  • Stay in the light and avoid dark areas, especially the ones with trees.
  • Don’t travel alone, always stay with your team.
  • If you end up alone, quickly run off to a well-lit area and communicate your whereabouts to the team.

How to Manage Fear Level & Keep it Low

  • Avoid dark areas as much as possible. Use Matchsticks while exploring (collect them from random locations or from supply boxes) and make sure to stay near well-lit locations with houses including ones near lanterns. Players can also light bonfires and rest there to feel safer and decrease Fear.
  • Don’t venture out alone, stay with your team. If you head into an area packed with trees all by yourself, there could be a chance of a Deadite jumpscare and your Fear level will shoot up.
  • Make sure to communicate with your team and stick with them to keep the Fear levels low. Just in case you end up alone, run away and get back to your team as soon as possible.
  • The characters from the Leader class are more resistant to Fear and they are Ash Williams (Ash vs Evil Dead), Anny Knowby and Lord Arthur.
  • Ash Williams (Army of Darkness) also has an active ability of Fear reduction which helps him and nearby Survivors so use it whenever necessary. Scotty’s Exposure Therapy also partially reduces your fear levels with every enemy you kill.
  • If your character’s fear level increases after a jumpscare or after facing a big enemy, run off to a lit area, especially a campfire along with your team. Better yet, fight them near such areas and plan your strategy around it. In such locations, your fear level will increase much slowly.

This is everything you need to keep in mind to ensure that your fear level stays low in Evil Dead The Game. In case a team member gets injured, find out what you need to revive or resurrect them.