Are you tired of endlessly struggling through the streets of New York City in Tom Clancy’s The Division 2? Are you ready to level up your gameplay to become an unstoppable force? Look no further, because we have an ultimate Division 2 Warlords of New York strategy to crush your enemies with one secret weak point trick!

First off, let’s talk about weak points. These are specific areas on an enemy that, when targeted, deal massive amounts of damage and can even disable certain abilities or weapons. Each enemy has their own weak points, so it’s important to pay attention and prioritize your attacks accordingly.

Now, onto the secret trick. One of the most powerful weak points in the game belongs to the Warhound, a heavily armored robotic dog that can quickly take down agents who aren’t prepared. But, if you aim for its red glowing exhaust pipe on its rear end, you can take it down easily and quickly.

This may seem like a small detail, but taking out a Warhound can make a huge difference in a battle. These robots have the ability to shoot out frag grenades or launch a barrage of bullets, so eliminating them early on can save your squad from massive damage.

But, how can you ensure that you’re hitting that tiny weak point every time? Our experts recommend using the Sharpshooter specialization, which has a special talent that highlights weak points for better accuracy. You can also use pulse skills or grenades to temporarily disable the Warhound’s sensors, making it easier to hit.

Additionally, always prioritize taking out support enemies first. These enemies can heal and revive their allies, prolonging a battle and making it much harder to win. Once the support enemies are down, focus on the Warhounds, and aim for that exhaust pipe!

In conclusion, mastering weak points is key to becoming a skilled Division 2 player, and targeting the Warhound’s exhaust pipe is one of the most effective ways to take down a tough enemy quickly. So, grab your Sharpshooter specialization, aim for that red glow, and unleash the ultimate Warlords of New York strategy to crush your enemies and emerge victorious!

In The Division 2 Warlords Of New York expansion, there are some new soldiers introduced who are ruling New York. But with this, there is a new system added in the game that allows you to target their weak points and kill them faster. Using the weak points you can defeat stronger enemies easily in The Division 2 Warlords Of New York. This is a very crucial combat tip every Division 2 player must know. It will not only help you to kill enemies but it will also allow you to cause damage to any nearby enemies in the vicinity. So here is a guide on how to kill enemies faster in The Division 2 Warlords Of New York.

What are Enemies Weak Points in The Division 2 Warlords Of New York?

A very common thing that explodes in The Division 2 is cylinders and gasoline cans. These explosives help you to take down enemies faster. It is highly useful to cause a fire effect that inflicts high damage on soldiers in The Division 2. In Warlords of New York expansion, a few new soldiers are introduced who carry these cylinders on their backs. As a part of their weapon, they use it to burn you down.

So whenever you spot any enemy with a red bag, which is usually carried by soldiers who carry grenades, or a cylinder on their back shoot it first. You will need a good sniper for this to get an accurate shirt. This is called the weak points in The Division 2 Warlords Of New York. Shooting on them will cause explosion that will kill enemy along with damaging anyone nearby.

Just look for any red equipment they are wearing to kill enemies fast in The Division 2 Warlords Of New York. Or try to take benefit from cylinders and gasoline cans. If you had not yet found a Level 31 MK16 assault rifle with 20K damage then click the link. This assault rifle can be unlocked at the very beginning of The Division 2 Warlords Of New York. With high damage and stability, MK16 will help you to get precision shots if you are not having any Sniper rifle.

Whenever you are surrounded focus on looking for red equipment enemy bodies, use a precision shot and target the weak points to kill enemies faster in Division 2 Warlords Of New York expansion.