Unleash the Ultimate Secret to Cheese and Destroy the Fire Giant in Elden Ring with These Killer Tips!

Are you tired of being defeated by the fiery enemy in Elden Ring known as the Fire Giant? Do you want to dominate the battlefield with ease and precision? If so, then you’ve come to the right place!

Here, we are going to reveal the ultimate secret that will help you achieve victory over the Fire Giant. And that secret is: cheese! Yes, you heard it right! Cheese is the key to defeating this powerful enemy in Elden Ring.

Now, you might be wondering, “What the heck does cheese mean?”. In the gaming world, cheese refers to exploiting an enemy’s weakness or finding a loophole in their tactics to defeat them quickly and easily. In simpler terms, it means using a cheap tactic to win the game.

So what is the cheesy tactic that you can employ to defeat the Fire Giant in Elden Ring? Well, the answer is that there are multiple cheesy tactics that you can use. And we are going to discuss some of them below:

  1. Use Fire Resistance: As the name suggests, the Fire Giant is a fire-based enemy. So the first thing you need to do to counter its attacks is to equip yourself with fire-resistant gear. Make sure that you have a shield that is capable of blocking the Fire Giant’s attacks. This will significantly reduce the damage you take during the battle.

  2. Ranged Attacks: The Fire Giant is a melee-based enemy, which means that it cannot attack you from a distance. You can use this to your advantage by using ranged attacks, such as arrows or other projectiles. Keep your distance from the enemy and attack it from afar.

  3. Summon Allies: Another cheesy tactic that you can use is summoning allies to the battlefield. The Fire Giant is a tough enemy, and taking it down alone can be a daunting task. Summoning an ally or two will make the fight much easier.

  4. Exploit Its Weakness: Every enemy in Elden Ring has a weakness. For the Fire Giant, its weakness is water. Use attacks that have a water-based element to exploit this weakness. It will deal a significant amount of damage and weaken the enemy.

  5. Dodging Skills: Lastly, but most importantly, work on your dodging skills. The Fire Giant has some powerful attacks, so you need to be quick on your feet. Practice dodging its attacks and learning its patterns. This will give you an edge in battle.

So there you have it – the ultimate secret to cheese your way to victory against the Fire Giant in Elden Ring. Use these cheesy tactics to your advantage to unleash your full potential and obliterate your enemy from the battlefield. With these killer tips, you’ll be slaying the Fire Giant in no time. Happy Gaming!

Fire Giant is one of the major bosses in Elden Ring that you will need to beat in order to progress the story. He can do a lot of damage using just a few moves. Since he is a giant his attacks are quite slow, along with some of his moves. And getting caught in an attack can easily spell death. But once you get a hang of how his attacks work you can slay him in no time. So in this guide let us take a look at how to defeat the Fire Giant in Elden Ring, and learn the cheese method.

How to Kill the Fire Giant in Elden Ring

You can beat the Fire Giant in Elden Ring by attacking his legs and chipping his health away. There are two phases of this fight, the first phase has a lot of melee attacks. While the second phase uses more ranged attacks. Let us take a look at the attacks used by him in both phases.

Phase 1

  • Wave of Snow: Fire Giant will thrust his shield in the ground. Next, he will launch a wave of snow towards you. You can avoid it by running/rolling behind once you see him thrust the shield. This attack covers a lot of area so rolling to the side won’t help in dodging it. You can also try using your shield to block this attack.
  • Shield smack: The Fire Giant will raise his shield and smack it on the ground. This attack is relatively easier to dodge when compared to the above attack. But since the shield is large you will have to be quick when dodging it.
  • Ground Stomp: He will stomp its feet on the ground to crush you. You can dodge this attack when you see him raising his feet by running towards the other feet or in the opposite direction.
  • Roll: While this is no direct attack, it will do a roll to get away from you. You can get crushed by it if you get underneath it.
  • Flame eruptions: Fire Giant will take out a ball of fire from the face in its chest. He will then use it on the ground to cause eruptions of flames. These should be easy to dodge as you get an indication when the ground starts getting orange with flames. Do remember this attack covers a certain range area and there will be multiple eruptions throughout this area. So if you are not sure how to dodge them, then simply get out of the area and wait for the eruptions to end.

Once you bring his HP near half you will see a cutscene. This is your cue for the beginning of the 2nd phase.

Phase 2

  • Spewing fire on the ground: The Fire Giant will kneel and get on all his fours. First, he will cause flame eruptions and follow this attack by breathing fire on the ground. You can try attacking while the flame eruptions begin. But don’t get greedy with your attacks, as the flame eruptions will cover more and more of the area as it goes on. And the fire breathing covers a lot of area so it is best if you get as far away from it as possible.
  • Launching flame balls: It will launch fireballs towards the player. These flame balls are quite big and will approach the players quite slowly as they aren’t exactly projectile attacks. But after a few seconds, these flame balls will erupt that covers a big area. These are quite easy to evade.
  • Side Roll: Targetting its legs is the attack that you will do most of the time. So when you are underneath him he will occasionally roll to the side in order to trample you.
  • Launch fireballs: It will throw large balls of fire towards the player. These are fast and feel more like a launch of projectile volley when compared to the flame balls attack.
  • Fire meteorite launches: It will kneel and breathe fire into the air using its chest face. The fire giant will do this thrice and it will cause meteorites covered in the fire to fall on the ground. This attack also covers a large area so you should keep running in order to dodge it.
  • Flame thrower: It will launch a column of flames towards you using its chest face.

General tips to beat Fire Giant in Elden Ring

  • Try focusing your attacks on the shackles in his feet. Once you break it this will stagger him for a few seconds allowing you to deal more damage. This tip works really well in his first phase.
  • For your initial few tries try focusing on attacking less and learning his moveset more. As his moves are a bit slow but once they connect they deal a ton of damage, not to mention they cover a lot of area.
  • Once you are well versed with his attacks try staying close to him and attack his feet. This trick works for both his phases.

How to Cheese the Fire Giant in Elden Ring

You can cheese the Fire Giant in Elden Ring by getting it to jump twice from the large rock at the edge of the map. Thanks to Sworn Random on YouTube for sharing this method.

  • This method requires you to lure the Fire Giant to the edge of the map where there are two large rocks.
  • You need to make it climb the left rock and then the right rock and finally jump from the right rock. The right rock is higher than the left one.
  • Once you do it the first time it will take some damage, around 15%-20% of his health, and begin the second phase.
  • Next, you need to repeat the same method of getting him to jump from the rock for his second phase as well.
  • Things will get tricky here as he is much slower this time and uses more ranged attacks. Once you make him do the jump, it will instantly eliminate him.

Although this cheese makes the fight a whole lot easier, executing it can be quite tricky and take some tries. A good thing here is that you can use this cheese irrespective of the class you play as.

In case you need some extra help and learn exactly how to pull this cheese off you should check out their video below.

That sums up this guide on how to defeat the Fire Giant in Elden Ring & the cheese method. In case you skipped some optional bosses then check our guides on how to defeat Mad Tongue Alberich, Crucible Knight, and Tree Sentinel.