Shocking Revelation: How To Instantly Detect When Your Crush Deactivates Their Instagram Account!

As an Instagram user, it can be devastating to discover that your crush suddenly deactivated their Instagram account. It’s the digital equivalent of getting ghosted. But there’s one thing you might not know: you can easily detect when someone deactivates their Instagram account with just a few clicks.

Here’s how:

Step 1: Find Your Crush’s Instagram Profile

The first step is to find your crush’s Instagram profile. Assuming that you follow them, this should be an easy task. But if you don’t, you can search their username in the search bar to find their profile.

Step 2: Check for Posts and Followers

Once you find your crush’s profile, check for their posts and followers. If they have deleted all their posts and unfollowed everyone, it could be a sign that they’re about to deactivate their account.

Step 3: Check if their Profile Picture and Bio are Still There

The next step is to check if your crush’s profile picture and bio are still visible. In most cases, people who deactivate their account also remove their profile picture and bio. If you can still see them, it means the account is still active, and your crush is probably just taking a break from Instagram.

Step 4: Search for Their Username in the Search Bar

If you’re still not sure if your crush deactivated their account or not, the last step is to search for their username in the search bar. If the account still exists, it will show up in the search results. But if it doesn’t appear anymore, it means the account has been deactivated.


It’s not fun to discover that your crush has deactivated their Instagram account, but with these four easy steps, you can instantly detect when this happens. While it can be disappointing to lose contact with someone you have feelings for, it’s important to respect their decision to take a break from social media.

Remember that there are always other ways to connect with your crush outside of social media, like texting or meeting in person. Don’t let a deactivated Instagram account discourage you from building a real relationship with your crush.

Instagram is one of the most popular social media applications out there. Everyone you know must have been using this application at some point in their lives. Since the user engagement on this application is massive, the features keep getting updated. One such feature is Account Deactivation. If you want to find out if someone has deactivated their Instagram account, then keep reading this space for more information.

When you spend more time looking down than looking up, you’re missing out on a lot more of life than you realize. If this strikes a chord then you should consider deactivating your account. The internet has become very distracting in recent times, and we can certainly agree with this fact! Taking a break seems reasonable in times like these. If any of your friends have deactivated their account, how would you come to know? In case you are struggling to find out, don’t worry! In this text, you will find all the relevant information regarding how to know when someone deactivates their Instagram account.

How to Know When Someone Deactivates Their Instagram Account?

Reasons why someone would deactivate their Instagram account

As mentioned above, there are several reasons why one would like to take a break from Instagram. These days everybody is so busy checking their feeds that they forget to live in the moment. Everything on Instagram makes them live in an illusion of perfection. Below are some of the reasons why you could take the step of deactivating your Instagram account:


  • How to Know When Someone Deactivates Their Instagram Account?

  • Reasons why someone would deactivate their Instagram account

  • How to Deactivate your Instagram account

  • 5 Ways to know if someone has deactivated their profile

  • Method 1: Search for their profile with a different account

  • Method 2: Private and public accounts

  • Method 3: A simple search

  • Method 4: Hashtags

  • Method 5: Third-party applications

  • The application has become very bothersome and you get unnecessary notifications.

  • If you’re trying to get ahead in your career or at school it may be worth taking a break from social media for a while as this app might be reducing your

  • Sometimes, you might want to deactivate your account to focus on other essential things in life. Like when you join a new university or plan to open a new business.

  • For many people, trigger warnings are central to their mental well-being. However, the content on the internet is not always backed by trigger warnings. In this case, as well, taking a break is essential.

  • If you are a business account, you might want to deactivate your account to save up your followers while working up a critical business strategy.

In case you relate to any of the reasons mentioned above, you might have also considered deactivating your account and then activating it again when the time is right. It is very difficult to find out if one of your very close friends has deactivated their account or blocked you. In this post, we will look at a few aspects that will help you decide if you have been blocked or if the account has been deactivated.

How to Deactivate your Instagram account

Before taking a look at how to spot a deactivated profile, let’s take a look at how you can deactivate your profile in case the need arises!

  1. Begin by logging in to your account through a browser then open your profile and tap on Edit Profile.

  2. Scroll down, and you will find an option that says ‘Temporarily disable my account’.

  3. On the screen that is now displayed, provide the reasons for your deactivation. Enter your password once again and tap on ‘Deactivate’.

Also Read: How to See Who Views Your Instagram Profile

5 Ways to know if someone has deactivated their profile

Let’s say there is a profile that you want to check out. But you cannot locate the page on the application. There are a few things that you can do to find out if this user has blocked you or if they have deactivated their ID. Follow the below-mentioned methods to know what happens when someone deactivates their Instagram Account.

Method 1: Search for their profile with a different account

The easiest way to know if someone has deactivated their profile is by making a new account. Once that’s done, you can search for the user’s name that you want to locate. If you can find this profile through the new account, you can safely conclude that your previous ID was blocked.

Method 2: Private and public accounts

If the account you are trying to locate is private, then all of this becomes a bit tricky. But in case this is a public account, you can use your browser to search for this profile. All you have to do is, open your browser and type in the URL of the account you want to find out about. If it doesn’t appear in the browser as well, then the account has been deactivated.

NOTE: Make sure that you are logged out before performing this step.

Another alternative to finding out if someone has deactivated their Instagram account is typing their username in the search bar. If you have not been blocked and if the account has been deactivated, then their profile would appear in the search results. However, the post number will be zero, and the account will state that there are no posts yet. If you run this search through a browser, the page would say that this page is not available. In case the profile doesn’t appear at all, you can conclude that you have been blocked.

Method 4: Hashtags

This ubiquitous symbol helps us in locating several posts online. The same goes with Instagram as well. In case you remember a hashtag that your friend had previously used, then do a simple search in the search bar. If you can find the hashtag in the results, but no posts appear, then the account has been deactivated. But if the hashtag doesn’t appear at all, then your account might have been blocked!

Method 5: Third-party applications

One can also utilize third-party applications to find out if someone has blocked them or not. However, this is a very unreliable method since these applications charge a fee. It is recommended that users resort to the first four methods only.

Q1. How do you know if someone has deactivated their Instagram?

You will not get any notifications if someone deactivates their Instagram. When you search for their profile on a browser, an error will show up, stating that the page cannot be found. This indicates that they may have deactivated their account.

Q2. Did I get blocked, or did they deactivate Instagram?

The most reliable way to confirm this is to make another profile or ask one of your friends to search for this user on their account. In case the profile appears on their account, then you have been blocked.

Q3. What happens when you temporarily disable your Instagram account?

When you temporarily disable your account, all your data remains safe on the servers. Your friend won’t be able to find you on the application. But your messages in their DMs will still appear in their chatbox. For the duration that your account is deactivated, nobody will be able to see your posts. But this is temporary. Your account will be up once you log in again.


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We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to know when someone deactivates their Instagram Account. If you still have any queries regarding this article, then feel free to ask them in the comments section.