Baldur’s Gate 3 is a game that requires a lot of strategy and skill to master. One of the most important skills you need to learn is XP farming. XP or experience points are what you need to level up and unlock powerful abilities for your characters. Without them, you’ll quickly fall behind in the game’s challenges. In this article, we’ll discuss how to unlock unbeatable power in Baldur’s Gate 3 by mastering the ultimate XP-farming techniques for leveling up characters.

  1. Complete Quests

One of the most straightforward ways to earn XP is by completing quests. Baldur’s Gate 3 is packed with quests of all kinds, from killing monsters to delivering letters, and each one rewards you with XP. Be sure to complete all quests, big or small, especially ones that tie into the main storyline. These quests offer the most XP and will help you level up faster.

  1. Explore Thoroughly

Exploration is a critical aspect of Baldur’s Gate 3. As you wander through the world, you’ll come across hidden locations, caves, and dungeons filled with enemies to battle. Each enemy slain provides a fair amount of XP, so don’t shy away from combat. Take the time to fully explore each area to uncover new quests, chests, and enemies to battle.

  1. Camp Often

Camping is a necessary part of Baldur’s Gate 3 as it is the only way to rest, heal and replenish spells. But did you know that camping also earns you XP? Yes, it does! When you camp, you’ll be given the opportunity to converse with your companions and learn more about them. These conversations often end with a benefit in the form of XP. So, camp frequently, and use this time to build relationships with your companions.

  1. Use Scoundrel Tactics

Scoundrel tactics are the underhanded tricks used by thieves and rogue characters. These tricks give you a significant advantage in combat situations, which can result in more XP. For example, backstabbing an enemy with a rogue character grants bonus damage and XP. Using traps and environmental hazards can also deal additional damage and grant you bonus XP. Be sure to use these tactics to your advantage.

  1. Learn New Skills

Each time you level up, you’ll be able to learn new skills and spells for your characters. These skills are critical to your success in Baldur’s Gate 3 as they provide added benefits such as increased damage output, better defense, and more. Be sure to learn new skills promptly to stay ahead of the curve.

In conclusion, mastering XP farming techniques is crucial to achieving unbeatable power in Baldur’s Gate 3. Completing quests, exploring thoroughly, camping often, using scoundrel tactics, and learning new skills are all vital to leveling up your characters. By following these tips, you’ll be able to unlock unbeatable power and conquer any challenge that comes your way.

Leveling up in Baldur’s Gate 3 is partially like other games and a whole lot of confusion which can throw off new players who are trying out Baldur’s Gate 3 as the first Laurien Studio game. If you want to know how to level up characters in Baldur’s Gate 3.

How To Level Up Characters In Baldur’s Gate 3

In Baldur’s Gate 3 you will have a party of four characters and you can set up your party to make sure that each character’s abilities help to compensate for other’s weaknesses and you soon will be invincible in the game.

Though to get there you will need to level up your characters in Baldur’s Gate 3 and the game does not make it clear how to level up your characters in the game. A bit of it works a lot like other RPGs where you still have to earn XP.

You can earn XP by literally doing anything. Every quest that you complete, every interaction that you have in the game, every treasure chest that you open up, and every enemy that you take down will reward you with a ton of XP. So, when the bar reaches Max XP, you will see a plus sign in the left bottom corner of your screen.

Also Read: How To Play Multiplayer In Baldur’s Gate 3

Click on that plus sign and you will see that your character lets you add more skills and spells in the game. Every time you level up, you will get something more to add to your character making them even more formidable and useful than ever before in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Accept the changes and you will successfully be leveled up your character in Baldur’s Gate 3. It seems a bit awkward and weird at first but once you get the hang of it you will get used to pretty soon.

Also while playing Baldur’s you should know how to light a torch so that you can see in the dark while you’re playing the game.