title: “Unlock the Secret to Effortlessly Linking Data Across Multiple Google Sheets - Expert Tips Revealed!” date: 2022-08-10T17:00:00.000Z featuredImage: “/images/google-sheets-link.jpg” tags:

  • Google Sheets
  • Data Linking
  • Spreadsheets

Have you ever found yourself struggling to link data across multiple Google Sheets? It can be a cumbersome task to manually copy and paste data from one sheet to another, especially when you have multiple sheets to work with. Fortunately, there are some expert tips and tricks that can make the process much easier and more efficient.

In this article, we will explore the secret to effortlessly linking data across multiple Google Sheets, with expert tips revealed. By following these tips, you can streamline your workflow and save time and effort.

Tip #1: Use the IMPORTRANGE Function

The IMPORTRANGE function is the most powerful tool for linking data across multiple Google Sheets. The function allows you to import data from one sheet to another, and it updates automatically whenever the source data changes. This function can save you a lot of time and effort when working with data that needs to be linked across multiple sheets.

Here is an example of how to use the IMPORTRANGE function:

=IMPORTRANGE("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/123abc456xyz", "Sheet1!A1:B10")

The first argument is the URL of the source sheet, and the second argument is the range of cells to import.

Tip #2: Use Named Ranges

Named ranges are a great way to simplify your formulas and make them easier to read. You can assign a name to a range of cells in a spreadsheet, and then use that name in formulas instead of the cell range address. This makes it easier to read and understand your formulas, especially when working with complex sheets.

Here is an example of how to create a named range:

  1. Select the range of cells you want to name
  2. Click on Data > Named ranges
  3. Enter a name for the range in the “Named ranges” dialog box

Once you have created a named range, you can use it in your formulas by its name.

Tip #3: Use the ARRAYFORMULA Function

The ARRAYFORMULA function is another powerful tool in Google Sheets. It allows you to apply a formula to an entire column or row of data. This means that you can write a formula once and apply it to an entire column or row, instead of manually copying and pasting the formula to each cell.

Here is an example of how to use the ARRAYFORMULA function:


This formula multiplies the values in cells A1 to A10 with the values in cells B1 to B10 and returns the results in columns C1 to C10.

Tip #4: Use the QUERY Function

The QUERY function is a powerful tool for filtering, sorting, and manipulating data in Google Sheets. You can use this function to extract specific data from a sheet or to perform calculations based on data in a sheet.

Here is an example of how to use the QUERY function:

=QUERY(Sheet1!A1:B10,"SELECT A, B WHERE B > 100")

This formula retrieves all the data in columns A and B of Sheet1, where the value in column B is greater than 100.

Final thoughts

By using these expert tips and tricks, you can effortlessly link data across multiple Google Sheets. Remember to use the IMPORTRANGE function to import data from one sheet to another, create named ranges to simplify your formulas, use the ARRAYFORMULA function to apply a formula to an entire column or row, and use the QUERY function to filter and manipulate data.

So go ahead, get started with these tips and reveal the secrets to effortlessly link data across multiple Google Sheets!

Most of us are familiar with the basics of using a spreadsheet in Google Sheets; we freeze certain rows and columns, we set up calculations, we organize our data into pies and graphs and charts to help visualize it. But why stop at that?

The next logical step in bolstering your spreadsheets is to link data between different spreadsheets, grabbing the exact data or ranges of data you want and sending them to a whole new place! Here we’ll show you how to do that using the QUERY and IMPORTRANGE functions.

Note: when linking data to another spreadsheet, you’ll need to click the cell and “Allow Access” after entering the formula, otherwise the data won’t appear.

Before we move onto the matter of importing or linking data between different spreadsheets, let’s quickly cover how to import data between different sheets within the same spreadsheet.

First, select the cell where you want the imported data to appear then type = followed by the name of the sheet you want to link to and the cell you want to link So in our case we’ll link the data in cell A1 from “Sheet2”:

That data will now appear in your first sheet.

If you prefer to pull a whole column, you can type your equivalent of the following:

The most fundamental method of linking data between sheets is to use the IMPORTRANGE function. Here’s the syntax for how IMPORTRANGE transfers data from one spreadsheet to another:

The “spreadsheet key” is the long mix of numbers and letters in the URL for a given spreadsheet.

The “range string” is the name of the exact sheet you’re pulling data from (called “Sheet1,” “Sheet2,” etc. by default), followed by a ‘!’ and the range of cells you want to pull data from.

Here is the sheet we’ll be pulling data from:

We’re going to be pulling data from this spreadsheet between cells A1 and D100. The formula to do that is entered into the receiving spreadsheet and looks like this:

This imports data from another spreadsheet, specifically from a sheet within that called “Sheet1,” where it pulls all the data between cells A1 and D100. Once you set this up, the data should appear just as it does in the source sheet.

Using QUERY to Import Data More Conditionally

IMPORTRANGE is fantastic for moving bulk data between sheets, but if you want to be more specific about what you want to import, then the Query function is probably what you’re looking for. This will search the source sheet for certain words or conditions you set, then pull corresponding data from the same row or column.

So for our example we’ll again pull data from the below sheet, but this time we’re going to grab only the “Units Sold” data from Germany.

To grab the data we want, we’ll need to type the following:

Here, the “ImportRange” data follows exactly the same syntax as before, but now we’re prefixing it with QUERY(, and afterwards we’re telling it to select column 5 (the “Units Sold” column) where the data in column 2 says “Germany”. So there are two “arguments” within the query – ImportRange and select ColX where ColY = ‘Z’.

You can use these formulas for all manner of automated data-linking, so let your creativity (or spreadsheet management skills, at least) run wild!

The above guide allows you to create sheets filled with data dynamically as the source sheet gets updated. Setting yourself up in this way is a big time-saver in the long run and a godsend to those who want to amalgamate many spreadsheets’ worth of bespoke data into one great big super sheet.

With your spreadsheet all set, how about pick up some more tricks? Here’s how to use iCloud keychain in Windows, and we can also indulge your nostalgia by showing you how to add the Windows 95 startup sound to Windows 10 and 11.

Content Manager at Make Tech Easier. Enjoys Android, Windows, and tinkering with retro console emulation to breaking point.

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