Title: Unlock the Secret to Building the Ultimate Conduit in Minecraft - Expert Tips Revealed!


Minecraft is an immensely popular game, and its appeal has only grown over the years. Players can build virtual worlds with an impressive degree of detail, complexity, and beauty. One of the most exciting and challenging aspects of Minecraft is building the ultimate conduit. A conduit is a submerged block that provides players with several useful benefits, such as water breathing, night vision, and mining speed. In this article, we will reveal expert tips on how to build the ultimate conduit.

Tip 1: Location Is Crucial

Your conduit must be submerged in water to function correctly. But keep in mind that it must also be in close proximity to the player to reap its benefits. Therefore, it is best to build your conduit near your base or other essential locations in the game. Besides, your conduit should be placed at least four blocks beneath the water’s surface.

Tip 2: Use Prismarine Blocks

Prismarine blocks are critical components of the conduit, and they can be obtained by mining ocean monuments. Experts recommend using as many prismarine blocks as possible to build the ultimate conduit, as they significantly boost its range and effectiveness. It is also advised to choose Prismarine Bricks for the steadiness of the blocks.

Tip 3: Create a Closed Structure

To get the most from your conduit, you’ll need to build a structure around it that encloses it entirely. This structure can be made with any block material you like, but we advise using prismarine, as it creates the most aesthetically pleasing look. The structure should also be at least three blocks in height.

Tip 4: Add Aesthetics

The function of a conduit is essential, but that doesn’t mean it can’t look great too. Adding some additional details to your structure will make it standout. You can use decorations or block mats such as sea lantern, coral, kelp or even glass to make your conduit look visually appealing.

Tip 5: Activate it With Nautilus Shells

Once you’ve built and enclosed your conduit, it’s time to activate it. To do this, you’ll need to throw nautilus shells into the structure’s top opening. The number of shells you’ll need depends on how big your conduit is. Once activated, the conduit will start to emit a light and boost the player’s abilities.


Building the ultimate conduit in Minecraft can be a challenging but rewarding experience. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can create a reliable and aesthetically pleasing structure that will enhance your gameplay’s overall quality. Remember to consider the tips we discussed, such as selecting the right location, using the right materials, and activating it with nautilus shells. So go ahead and build your ultimate conduit today and enjoy the benefits it provides!

Minecraft is a mix of a Sandbox & a Survival game. You can do whatever you want but you will have constantly survive by battling different enemies. To aid you in these fights, Minecraft has special blocks that can provide certain Boosts. Those Blocks come in the form of the Beacon & the Conduit. Both of them emit an Aura in a certain radius that provides various status boosts to the players. The Beacon is used mainly on land while the Conduit is used primarily underwater. In this guide, I will show you how to make a Conduit in Minecraft.

How to Make a Conduit in Minecraft

As I have mentioned above, a Conduit is a Block like the Beacon and emits an Aura that provides a Status boost. It primarily is used in Water and provides the player with the status effects of Water Breathing, Night Vision, and Haste. Along with that, The Conduit in Minecraft protects the Players from hostile Mobs in Water. To make a Conduit, you will need 8 Nautilus Shells & a Heart of the Sea. In the Crafting Table, place the Heart of the Sea in the Center Slot and surround it with the 8 Nautilus Shells. This will make a Conduit. Now that you got one, it is time to activate it.

How to Activate a Conduit

Like the Beacon in Minecraft, we will need to build a structure to activate the Conduit. You will need Prismarine, Dark Prismarine, Prismarine Bricks, or Sea Lantern Blocks. Conduits will only activate if one of these blocks is present in the structure. The idea of building the structure is similar to that of a Nether Portal. You will need to make three 5×5 Frames with the mentioned blocks each oriented along a different axis. Here is how to do it.

  • First, make a 5×5 Frame with the Prismarine Blocks.
  • Now from the Center of the bottom line, go out 2 blocks in the other two directions.
  • It should be a perpendicular line to the first frame.
  • Now from that perpendicular line, connect the corners such that it makes a 5×5 Frame like before.
  • You should end up with two 5×5 frames facing in the X & Z axes intersecting in the middle.
  • Now you have to make the third 5×5 Frame.
  • For that, just connect the Center Block of each vertical beam of both 5×5 Frames.
  • This will make the Third frame.
  • You should end with a cube-like structure with 3 Frames looking in the X, Y, & Z axes.
  • They will share a common center and that is where you will have to place the Conduit.
  • Once it is placed, it will get activated.
  • Note that there should be no other block between the Conduit & the Structure. Any block outside of that will do.

This was all about making a Conduit in Minecraft. Hopefully, this guide has helped you. You can also check out our guides like How To Make A Map Bigger in Minecraft.