Title: Discover the Secret to Doubling Your Smartphone Battery Life!

Introduction: We all depend on our smartphones for nearly everything, from communicating with loved ones to finding our way around town. The downside is that these devices are incredibly demanding on our energy resources. Before we know it, our batteries are dead, and we’re scrambling for a charger. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to extend your smartphone’s battery life significantly. This article will reveal to you the secret to doubling your smartphone battery life!


  1. Adjust Your Screen Brightness: Smartphone displays are bright and beautiful, but they’re also a significant power hog. By dimming your screen, you can save precious battery life. Head to your smartphone’s settings and reduce your screen brightness to a level that’s comfortable for you during the day.
  2. Turn Off Background App Refresh: Apps can drain your battery life even when you’re not using them. To prevent the battery from draining too quickly, navigate to the settings menu, locate the apps option, and disable background app refresh.
  3. Use Airplane Mode: This trick is particularly useful if you’re in a low-coverage area. When your phone is struggling to keep up a network connection, it drains the battery far more quickly. By switching on airplane mode, your smartphone won’t search for a network connection, significantly improving your battery life.
  4. Invest in a Portable Charger: Sometimes, doubling your battery life isn’t always achievable with software tweaks. For those moments when you need a quick top-up, a portable charger like the Anker PowerCore 10000 can be a lifesaver. This device allows you to charge your phone on the go, ensuring that you never have to experience the feeling of a dead phone battery.
  5. Uninstall Apps You Don’t Use: Having too many apps on your smartphone can also drain your battery life. By deleting apps you don’t use or need, you give your battery a break from constantly running these apps’ background processes unnecessarily.

Conclusion: Doubling your smartphone battery life is simpler than you might think. By making small adjustments, you can enjoy using your phone for longer periods without having to worry about battery life. Try adjusting your screen brightness, disabling background app refresh, using airplane mode, investing in a portable charger, and uninstalling apps you don’t use to see the difference in your battery life. With these tips, you’ll no longer have to stress about running out of battery while on the go.

Many Android users are facing the problem of battery in their day to day life. Since the Android smartphone has become part of human life the longer lasting of battery in their smartphone matter most. Many of the user’s wonders on what they can do to make their phone’s battery last longer. We have discussed some of the tips to make an Android phone’s battery last longer in this article.

Disable Bluetooth and Wi-Fi When Not In Use.

Turning on Bluetooth and Wi-Fi also consumes battery. Disabling or Turning off these services will help your battery last longer. To turn off Bluetooth service, go to “Settings > Bluetooth” and turn off the Bluetooth. 

Similarly, to turn on Wi-Fi from your device, go to “Settings > Wi-Fi”. Toggle off the Wi-Fi to disconnect internet connection from your device.

Disable Apps Running in the Background.

The mobile application running in the background also consume battery. Mostly CPU and graphics intensive application such as games consume more battery uses. Disabling the app from running in the background helps in saving battery. But disabling these apps in the background, you won’t be able to receive any notifications. To Disable Apps Running in the Background, go to “Settings > Installed Apps > Choose an app > Other Permissions”.

Disable Adaptive or Automatic Brightness.

Disabling Adaptive or Automatic Brightness helps to prevent battery for longer. Automatic brightness drains the battery faster than usual. It may sound useful, but auto brightness is usually brighter than needed. So, it is better to manually set the brightness level to low and bump it up when necessary. To ensure turning off this feature, go to “Settings > Display >Brightness Level > Automatic Brightness”.

Disable Haptic Feedback / Vibrate.

Your phone consumes more power than it needs when it vibrates. Switch off vibrate unless you really need that. Also turn off vibration alerts for incoming calls. Turning off haptic feedback and vibration is a good idea. It feels cool using these feature but it doesn’t make your battery stay longer as it drains the battery. To disable Haptic Feedback go to “Settings > Language & input > Virtual Keyboard > Gboard > Preferences > turn off vibrate on keypress.

Uninstall Unnecessary Application.

We are never aware of what is actually running in the background. These background running apps consumes battery as it performs various operations including multi-tasking, self-uploading, auto-replicating. The unused apps may be trying to connect to the existent server and minimize the battery. So, removing such unwanted application minimizes the chances of randomly hovering up all battery. To uninstall unnecessary apps from your smartphone go to “Settings > Installed Apps > Choose App > Tap Uninstall”.

Clear App Cache.

Clearing the App Cache is also one of the ways of extending battery life. Sometimes apps cache also consumes battery unnecessarily. Clearing app not just helps to improve the battery life but also improves the overall performance of the phone. You don’t need to clear every app cache, just clear the cache of the app that is giving the problem. To clear app cache, go to “Settings > Installed Apps > Clear data > Clear cache”.

These are some of the tips that are useful for saving your phone’s battery. What do you guys think about this topic? How was your experience with your phone’s battery performance? Let us know if we have missed some of the great tips top mention in our article. You can also suggest as tips which best worked for you.

Also, Read:

  • Calibrate Battery on Android Smartphone?

  • How To Prevent Android Smartphones From Overheating?


  • TAGSAndroid Tipsbattery performancemake samrtphone battery last longerSmartphone

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