Revolutionize Your Email Marketing: Discover the Easy Trick to Boost Mobile Engagement with Mailchimp!


In today’s digital age, mobile devices have become an essential part of our daily lives. In fact, according to recent statistics, over 50% of all email opens are on mobile devices. As a marketer, it’s important to make sure that your emails are optimized for mobile devices. One of the best tools available to achieve this is Mailchimp.

What is Mailchimp and why is it the best email marketing tool for mobile devices?

Mailchimp is one of the most popular email marketing platforms available today. It provides a simple and easy-to-use interface that allows marketers to create and automate email campaigns. But what makes Mailchimp the best email marketing tool for mobile devices?

Mailchimp has a variety of features that are specifically designed to optimize email campaigns for mobile devices. Its responsive design allows emails to adjust to the screen size of the device, ensuring that the content is displayed properly. In addition, it offers a variety of mobile-friendly templates, making it easy for even the least tech-savvy marketer to create professional-looking emails.

How to boost mobile engagement with Mailchimp?

Now that you know why Mailchimp is the best email marketing tool for mobile devices, let’s explore some easy tricks to boost mobile engagement with Mailchimp.

1. Use a mobile-friendly template

As mentioned earlier, Mailchimp offers a variety of mobile-friendly email templates. Using a responsive template will ensure that your emails are displayed properly on mobile devices. Also, make sure your template has a clear call-to-action (CTA) that is easy to spot on a small screen.

2. Keep it short and sweet

People are busy, and their attention spans are shorter than ever. Make sure the content of your email is concise and to the point. Use short paragraphs and include bullet points and images to break up the text.

3. Optimize your subject line

Your subject line is the first thing people will see when they receive your email. Make sure your subject line is clear and engaging, and that it accurately reflects the content of your email. Also, keep in mind that many mobile devices truncate subject lines that are too long, so aim for 50 characters or less.

4. Make it easy to unsubscribe

While it may seem counterintuitive, making it easy to unsubscribe can actually improve engagement with your emails. If people can easily unsubscribe, they are less likely to mark your emails as spam, which can negatively impact your deliverability rates.

5. Test, test, test

Finally, test your emails on various mobile devices to make sure they display properly. Mailchimp offers a testing feature that allows you to preview your email on different devices before sending it out.


In conclusion, optimizing your email marketing campaigns for mobile devices is crucial in today’s digital age. With Mailchimp, you have access to a variety of features that are specifically designed to boost mobile engagement. By using a mobile-friendly template, keeping your content concise, optimizing your subject line, making it easy to unsubscribe, and testing your emails, you can revolutionize your email marketing campaigns and boost engagement with your mobile audience.

If you are someone who runs a newsletter, whether for business or pleasure, you know that one of your goals is to make that newsletter the easiest to read for as many of your subscribers as possible. You also know that you might be dealing with subscribers who read their email from many devices that come in different sizes. We’re talking anywhere from desktops and laptops all the way down to Androids and iPhone and many other smartphones. MailChimp is here to help.

MailChip has just recently released the news that users can now make use of a handful of mobile themes (more are coming soon) and a few very helpful mobile testing tools. Both of these combined should make creating mobile friendly newsletters a snap.

Mobile Newsletter Themes

Unless you would like to go ahead and design your email newsletters from scratch, coding included (you masochist, you), templates are a gift from heaven. Don’t worry, just because you choose to use a template, you don’t have to settle for a cookie-cutter newsletter design. You can first choose a template, then modify and customize it until it suits your fancy (and MailChimp user already knows this). MailChimp has just released some 14 to 15 mobile-friendly newsletter templates with a promise of many more on the way.

When you get to the design stage of your campaign, choose either basic templates (there are two basic mobile-friendly templates) or designer templates (there are 12 designer mobile-friendly templates). Make sure you glance down the left column and check off the mobile-friendly category so you get the whole list showing.

Personally, I like to choose from the more basic templates because I feel they give a cleaner look and I have more of a clean slate to customize from.

Mobile Testing Tools

An important part of getting that mobile-friendly newsletter looking just right is being able to test it. MailChimp has several tool that can help.

1. The “Mobile Styles” view while customizing

When you editing the design of the template, you can use the style editor. Within the style editor is a tab labelled “mobile styles.” When using this tab, you can view what the newsletter will more than likely look like on a mobile device the size of a regular smartphone.

This is only an approximation but it should give you a good idea. You can rotate the preview at will which also helps. Go ahead and make design changes and watch the preview change in real time.

2. Preview and Test tools

MailChimp has a button labeled “Review & Test” which when clicked gives a list of options. Among those options are two tools that help test your newsletter’s mobile design.

The first option is not necessarily a new one. You can Send a Test Email and you can manually test the design using your own device.

Finally, there’s the Push to MailChimp Mobile option. This requires downloading the app for your device (iOS, Android, etc.). Once installed though, sending a test view of the newsletter is simple. Just select it from the drop down and you’ll get a popup window with a send button.

This gives you a very nice preview on your mobile device.


Managing a newsletter is complicated and involved enough without worrying about the design and many different devices subscribers use to read their email. MailChimp is getting ahead of the mobile curve and helping make the mobile newsletter design process simple.

Tim loves to write about tech related stuff. He runs but you can also find him occasionally blogging at his personal blog,

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