Title: Unlocked: The Secret to Crafting Unlimited Paper in Minecraft!


Minecraft is one of the most popular sandbox video games in the world. It offers players the ability to explore, build, and create almost anything they can imagine. One of the most essential materials in the game is paper. Paper is used to craft books, maps, and other essential items. However, paper can often be in short supply if you don’t know how to craft it. In this article, we’ll unlock the secret to crafting unlimited paper in Minecraft.


To craft paper in Minecraft, you’ll need the following materials:

  • Sugar Cane
  • Crafting Table


  1. Find Sugar Cane:

Sugar cane is a tall green plant that can be found near water sources in Minecraft. Sugar cane grows up to three blocks tall, so it can be easy to spot.

  1. Harvest Sugar Cane:

To harvest sugar cane, simply break the bottom block of the plant. The rest of the sugar cane will drop, allowing you to collect it.

  1. Craft Sugar Cane into Paper:

Once you have collected sugar cane, head to your crafting table. Place three pieces of sugar cane in a row in the crafting grid. This will craft one piece of paper. Repeat this step until you have the desired amount of paper.


Here are some tips to help you craft a lot of paper in Minecraft:

  • Sugar cane grows faster near water, so it’s a good idea to plant sugar cane near a water source.
  • You can also find sugar cane in some villages.


Crafting paper in Minecraft is essential for making books, maps, and other items. By following these steps and tips, you’ll be able to craft unlimited paper in Minecraft. Happy crafting!

Papers are an important basic item in many crafting recipes to make items like maps and books. So if you are wondering how to get these by making paper in Minecraft, check out our guide below.

How to Make Paper in Minecraft?

To make paper in Minecraft you need to open the crafting menu and place three Sugar Canes in the top, middle, or bottom row. Sugar canes can be found near water bodies like rivers, lakes, and ocean biomes. Once you have three of them, place down your crafting table, access the crafting menu, and place these three sugarcanes exactly in any row (not columns) to get 3x Paper.

Once you make Minecraft a paper stack, move them to your inventory. With 3 x paper & 1 x leather, you can make a Book in Minecraft. From here you can craft a Book & Quill with 1 x book, 1 x ink sac, & 1x feather. With just 9 x paper you can make a Map and with 8 x paper & 1 x compass to make Locator Map. With paper, you can also customize Banner Patterns. There are seven patterns available in the Bedrock Edition and 6 in Java Edition. Here are Banner Pattern recipes for you:

How to Get Paper in Minecraft?

You can also get Paper in Minecraft as Chest loots. From Shipwreck’s Supply chests you have a 45%-50% and from Map chests, you have an almost 90% chance to get 1–10 paper. Library chests from Stronghold and Cartographer’s chest from Village will also give you paper. But if you don’t want to go out looking for these chests then crafting from sugar canes is the easiest way to make and get paper.

That’s everything you need to know about how to make paper in Minecraft. If you an avid player of Minecraft then you need to check out our Minecraft Guides like Best Minecraft House Ideas, and Best Minecraft Village Seeds.