
If you are a Linux user, you must have heard of the Echo command. It is one of the most frequently used commands throughout the Linux system. However, do you know that the Echo command is not just for printing out a string on the console? You can actually hack it to perform a lot of other tasks.

In this article, we will explore the different ways to unleash the power of the Echo command in Linux and take your efficiency to the next level.

The Basics: Echo Command

Before we move on to the advanced stuff, let’s touch upon the basics of the Echo command. The Echo command is used to print a string on the console. It is the equivalent of the ‘print’ statement in most programming languages.

Here’s an example of how to use the Echo command:

echo "Hello World"

This command will simply print “Hello World” on the console.

Unleashing the Power of Echo Command

Here are some of the advanced ways to use the Echo command in Linux:

  1. Output to a File

You can use the Echo command to output a string to a file. This can come in handy if you want to create a text file with certain contents.

Here’s how you can use the Echo command to output to a file:

echo "Hello World" > test.txt

This command will create a file called ’test.txt’ and write “Hello World” to it.

  1. Append to a File

If you want to append to an existing file instead of creating a new one, you can use the ‘»’ operator.

Here’s how you can append to a file using the Echo command:

echo "Hello Again" >> test.txt

This command will append “Hello Again” to the end of the file ’test.txt’.

  1. Escape Characters

You can use the Echo command to output special characters like new lines, tabs, and quotes. Here are some examples:

  • New Line:
echo -e "Hello\nWorld"

This command will output:

  • Tab:
echo -e "Hello\tWorld"

This command will output:

Hello	World
  • Quotes:
echo -e "\"Hello\" World"

This command will output:

"Hello" World
  1. Color Text

You can also use the Echo command to color text. This can make your console output more visually appealing and easier to read.

Here’s an example of how to color text using the Echo command:

echo -e "\e[31mThis text is red\e[0m"

This command will output “This text is red” in red color.

  1. Prompt for Input

You can use the Echo command to prompt for input from the user. This can be useful when writing shell scripts.

Here’s an example of how to use the Echo command to prompt for input:

echo -n "Enter your name: "
read name
echo "Hello, $name"

This command will ask the user to enter their name and store the input in the ’name’ variable. It will then output “Hello, $name” where $name will be replaced with the value entered by the user.


The Echo command is a powerful tool in the Linux system that can be used for a lot more than just printing strings. By mastering the different ways to use the Echo command, you can become more efficient in your Linux use and save a lot of time. So, go ahead and unleash the power of Echo command for maximum efficiency in Linux!

Whether you’re completely new to Linux or have been using a Linux desktop for a long time, there are some commands that may not seem to make sense. This is especially true if you never dive into the command line, which is where much of the true power of Linux and other Unix-like operating systems comes into play.

One of these is the venerable echo command. At first glance, this may seem like auseless command. Look under the hood, and you’ll find it to be surprisingly useful.

What Does ‘echo’ Do?

Look at the manual entry for echo, and you won’t find much help. It reads “displays a line of text.” This you could probably already infer from the name of the command.

Basically, what echo does is send arguments to standard outputs along with a handful of basic formatting options. The main reason this command exists is to work inside other scripts, letting you show output to the person running the script.

The Basics

At a basic level, echo does exactly what it says it does. Here’s an example:

That will print “Can anybody hear me.” If you just type the command, it literally looks like an echo, which is where the command gets its name. If you add a question mark to the above command, though, you’ll get an error. Type the following:

The resulting text won’t have the quotes around it, but will properly display the question mark. You can also use variables with the echo command.

The above command will print 256 to the terminal.

More Advanced Commands

The echo command works differently on certain systems. On Linux, for example, there are some options that you won’t find on other Unix-like operating systems. For example, the -e option allows you to insert characters like \n for newline or \t for tabs.

It may look a little confusing at the end, but this will print something similar to the following:

You can also use \b for backspace. Why you would want to delete a word you just carefully typed out may not make sense, but it does have the occasional use case.

Practical Examples

As already explained, the most practical use case for echo is in scripts you write. You can also use it do some slight cleanup for the output of other scripts. That said, for that use case there are many better tools for the job like grep and sed.

Another great use case for echo is in slightly modifying configuration files. Just use the standard > redirect. As an example:

This will append the text to the file “just-a-file.txt.” Run it again and the line will appear twice.


As you’re reading through these examples, you may find yourself wondering why anyone would ever use them. It could even have you second-guessing why anyone would ever want to use Linux instead of Windows or macOS.

Usually, when something about Linux seems strange, it’s because it has its roots in how it was used decades ago. That doesn’t necessarily mean anything bad, though. If you’re not sure about Linux, take a look at our list of reasons you should learn to use Linux.

Kris Wouk is a writer, musician, and whatever it’s called when someone makes videos for the web.

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