Discover the Simple Trick to Supercharge Your Phone’s Battery Life - Your Mind Will Be Blown!

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your phone battery is about to die, and you need it to last a little longer? Or have you had a day where your phone’s battery was drained before the day was even half over? If so, you are not alone. Many smartphone users struggle to keep their devices running all day long.

Fortunately, there is a simple trick that can help you supercharge your phone’s battery life, and the best part is that it doesn’t require any fancy gadgets or expensive accessories. All you need is your mind, and a few simple adjustments to the way you use your phone.

So, what is this magical trick, you ask? Drum roll, please… it’s called “battery mindfulness.”

Yes, you read that right. Battery mindfulness is a technique that involves paying attention to how you use your phone, and making a few conscious changes to conserve battery life.

Here are some simple tips to help you get started with battery mindfulness:

  1. Turn off unnecessary features

One of the most significant drains on your phone’s battery is its features. Features like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and GPS are necessary for certain tasks, but they can be huge battery hogs when used unnecessarily. Turning off these features when not in use can save a significant amount of battery life.

  1. Adjust screen brightness

The screen is another major drain on your phone’s battery. Reducing the brightness of your screen can help you save battery life. You can also set your phone to automatically adjust the screen brightness based on the ambient light in your environment.

  1. Use aeroplane mode

When you don’t need to be connected to the internet or receive calls, using aeroplane mode can save a lot of battery life. This is especially useful when you’re in areas with poor reception, as your phone will constantly search for a signal, draining your battery in the process.

  1. Keep your phone cool

Your phone’s battery life can be significantly impacted by the temperature of the device. Exposing your phone to extreme heat can drain the battery quickly. So, it’s best to keep your phone in a cool place and avoid exposing it to direct sunlight.

  1. Close background apps

Apps running in the background can also drain your phone’s battery. To conserve battery life, it’s essential to close any apps you’re not actively using. You can also disable background app refresh in your phone’s settings to further conserve battery life.

In conclusion, battery mindfulness is a simple but powerful technique that can help you supercharge your phone’s battery life. By making a few small adjustments to how you use your phone, you can significantly extend your device’s battery life, and ensure that it lasts as long as you need it to. Give these tips a try, and you’ll be amazed by how much of a difference they can make!

It has happened to all of us: You have one foot out the door, and you look at your phone and realize that you only have it charged to ten percent. Since that amount of energy isn’t going to get you very far, how can you get the maximum amount of power in so little time? These tips will help your smartphone charge faster in the little time you have.

Use the Correct Outlet

Just because Android chargers are universal, that doesn’t mean that they are all the same. Charging your phone through your laptop’s USB port is not a good idea since they do not release enough energy to charge your smartphone fast enough. The best thing you can do is charge your phone through an outlet with the charger it came with since that will give your smartphone the maximum amount of power.

Remember that just because your smartphone features Fast Charge doesn’t mean that the charger it comes with delivers that kind of juice. For example, the LG G4 that features Fast Charge doesn’t come with the appropriate charger. If you are in a hurry, never wirelessly charge your phone since that never charges your phone as fast as an old-fashioned cable.

Turn On Airplane Mode

The more things your smartphone has to do while it is charging, the more time it will need to charge. By turning Airplane Mode on, you will not be able to receive or make calls nor use the Internet or 4G. By putting your phone in Airplane Mode, it will disable everything that keeps it from charging quickly.

Turn the Phone Off

If you are not going to do anything with your phone, the best thing you can do is to turn it off in order to charge it faster. I know it’s hard to press that off button, but you can do it. By turning off your phone, all the energy goes to charging your phone and not lighting up the phone’s display.

Turn Off Unnecessary Services

Before you plug in your phone, make sure that services such as GPS, Bluetooth, Push Notifications, NFC, and Wi-Fi are turned off. Don’t allow your phone to update apps automatically or make backups. Also, avoid touching the phone’s display every ten seconds since this, too, drains your phone battery.

Use a Reliable USB Cable

To get the best charging results, always use the USB cable that came with your phone. If you use those cheap imitations (or those with thin cable), they might not transmit the maximum amount of energy, and your device will charge much slower.

Unplug Once It Reaches 100%

Keeping the phone plugged in when it has reached 100% is something I think we are all guilty of. You might think that by keeping it plugged in, more energy can be packed in there. This hurts your devices battery in the long run and affects how fast it can charge. Once it reaches 100%, unplug it, and it woo’t hurt at all if it doesn’t even reach 100% since high voltage stresses the battery.

The Naked Truth

The truth is that the removing your phone’s case will help keep it cool while charging and, therefore, keep your phone’s battery healthy. If you have a healthy battery, the faster it’s going to charge.


We should always be aware of how low our phone’s battery is, so we don’t have to charge it a minute before we have to leave our home, but if you have very little time, these tips will certainly help.

What things do you do to help your phone charge faster? Let us know in the comments.

Judy Sanhz is a tech addict that always needs to have a device in her hands. She loves reading about Android, Softwares, Web Apps and anything tech related.She hopes to take over the world one day by simply using her Android smartphone!

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