Revolutionize Your Windows 8 Experience: Discover The Secret To Managing Apps From Your Desktop!

If you are an avid Windows user, you must have used Windows 8 with its aesthetically pleasing interface and new features such as the Start Screen, live tiles, and active corners. However, one aspect of Windows 8 that can sometimes be frustrating is managing apps without having to go back to the Start Screen again and again. But what if we told you that there’s a secret to managing apps from your desktop? In this article, we will guide you through the steps to revolutionize your Windows 8 experience by discovering the secret to managing apps from your desktop!

The Problem With Windows 8 App Management

If you have used Windows 8, you know that managing apps can be a daunting task. Every time you need to open or close an app, you have to go back to the Start Screen. This can be frustrating, especially when you’re in the middle of a task that requires you to switch between different apps frequently. So what’s the solution to this problem?

The Secret To Managing Apps From Your Desktop

The secret to managing apps from your desktop is the Task Manager. The Task Manager is an interface that lets you manage the tasks and apps running on your computer. Windows 8’s Task Manager has a feature that allows you to manage apps directly from your desktop. This feature is called the App History tab.

How To Use The App History Tab

To use the App History tab, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the Taskbar and click on Task Manager or press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager.

  2. Click on the App History tab. You will see a list of apps that you have used recently along with the CPU time and network usage.

  3. To close an app, right-click on it and click on End Task.

  4. To see more details about an app or to open it, click on the arrow next to its name.

  5. To sort the apps by CPU time, network usage, or name, click on the corresponding column header.


By using the App History tab in Windows 8’s Task Manager, you can manage your apps without having to go back to the Start Screen. This makes multitasking much easier and more efficient, and can revolutionize your Windows 8 experience. So why not give it a try today and see how it can help you manage your apps like a pro!

Windows App Boss is a handy tool to manage Windows 8 apps from the desktop. You can install, uninstall and even request a developer license from Microsoft through this program. It makes it easy for developers and the average PC user.

Downloading and using for first time

Windows App Boss can be downloaded from its CodePlex page. It doesn’t need to be installed, so you can start using it as soon as it’s finished downloading.

When you first start using Windows App Boss, it’ll take a few seconds to populate its database with the apps installed on your computer.

Once filled, you can see the name, version, publisher and family the app belongs to. This is often information that you don’t have access to when you install/uninstall Windows 8 apps.

Installing apps

Windows App Boss lets you install Windows Store apps as well as test-signed apps which may not have been approved yet by Microsoft to appear in the store.

Click “Install” in the top left corner to open the Advanced Package Installer.

This is the utility to use to install apps manually as opposed to doing it through the Windows Store. As always, be careful what you install in Windows 8 especially if you’re not familiar with the source.

You just have to add the package, add the dependencies and then select the right options before proceeding with the install. This is definitely for more advanced users but can be beneficial if you want to use an app not offered on the Windows Store, yet.

Working with apps

On the main screen, you can click on any app to get more information, open it or uninstall it.

Just click on an app, then click “Settings.”

You’ll be able to view the Settings.dat file for the app, which is something you can’t access from the app directly when launched. These are the background settings for the app and how it runs on Windows 8 and not the traditional app settings you’re used to tinkering with.

By clicking “Snap Shots,” you can actually take snapshots of the app’s state which can be useful for diagnosing problems or submitting bug reports to a developer to help improve an app.

You can even restore an app to a previous state by using this mini-restore tool.

Uninstalling apps

Uninstalling an app can also be done from the desktop in Windows App Boss. Just highlight an app and click “Uninstall.” A small pop-up window will appear and run through the basic uninstall process, the same way you would be uninstalling an app from the Start screen. There is no difference in uninstalling an app through Windows App Boss or the way Windows lets you from the Start screen.

Developer License management

Windows App Boss also lets you manage your Windows Developer License from its program as opposed to having to go through Power Shell to do it.

If you haven’t acquired a license before, you can start by doing that.

From there, you can manage, renew and remove the license as necessary while you work on apps for Windows 8.


Windows App Boss lets you work from the desktop and interact with apps in Windows 8 in ways Microsoft doesn’t. If you’re looking for more information on Windows 8 apps or even to develop your own, Windows App Boss is just one way to go about it. Let us know in the comments below if you have another preferred way.

Melissa Popp has been a freelance writer for over a decade. While she primarily has focused on writing about technology, she’s also written about everything from custom mailboxes to health care to just about anything in between.

Melissa is the Content Strategist for, the nation’s leading marketplace for trailers for sale, the Social Media Manager for the best roofing Denver company as well as a Writer here at MakeTechEasier.

She’s a proud support of the Denver SEO community and a big fan of online radio.

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