Title: You’ve Been Typing All Wrong! Learn How to Clean Up Your Android Keyboard for Smoother Texting!


In today’s fast-paced world, texting is the go-to way to communicate. Whether you’re sending a quick message to a friend, family member, or co-worker, texting is a convenient and efficient way to stay in touch. However, have you found that you’re typing slower than usual or constantly making mistakes? It could be due to the clutter on your Android keyboard. In this article, we’ll show you how to clean up your Android keyboard for smoother texting.


  1. Delete Unused Keyboards:

First things first, take a look at your keyboard settings and see how many keyboards you have enabled. It’s likely that you’ll have multiple keyboard options available, but you probably only use one or two. Having too many keyboards enabled can slow down your device and make typing more difficult. So, delete the ones you’re not using.

  1. Customize Your Keyboard:

Did you know that you can customize your Android keyboard? You can change the color, font size, layout, and much more. Customizing your keyboard can make it more comfortable to use, and it can also speed up your typing. For example, if you find that you’re constantly hitting the wrong keys or your fingers are too big for the keyboard, try adjusting the layout or font size.

  1. Use Text Shortcuts:

Text shortcuts are a time-saving trick that can make texting much faster. You can create shortcuts for commonly used phrases, words, or even long URLs. For example, instead of typing out “see you later,” you can create a shortcut to type “syl” instead. This can be a huge time saver, especially if you have to type long messages frequently.

  1. Enable Auto-Correct:

Auto-correct is a built-in feature on your Android keyboard that’s designed to help you type faster and more accurately. If you’re not using auto-correct, you might be wasting time typing and correcting errors manually. By enabling auto-correct, you can type quickly without worrying about making mistakes as the keyboard will automatically fix common errors.

  1. Use Voice Typing:

If you’re really struggling with typing, you can try using voice typing. Voice typing allows you to speak and have your words appear on the screen. Voice typing is especially helpful when you need to type out a long message, or if you’re doing something else and can’t focus on typing.


By following these tips, you can clean up your Android keyboard and make texting faster and more efficient. If you’re not already doing these things, take some time now to customize your keyboard, enable auto-correct, and try using voice typing or text shortcuts. By doing so, you’ll be able to communicate faster and more efficiently than ever before.

If you type a lot on your Android device and use Gboard, you might have noticed few misspelled words appearing at the top. This is because mobile devices, over time, learn new words and adapt to your writing style. This feature, although, improves the word prediction results, also shows misspelled words. Some mobile keyboards like Gboard learn new words every day, including the misspelled ones. At times, misspelled words in the prediction bar can become annoying. You might need to edit the word manually from the start to get it correct. So, to deal with such issues, Gboard has a feature called Personal Dictionary. Also Read: 10 Best Keyboard Apps for your Android Device

Steps to Remove Learned Words From Your Android Keyboard

Personal Dictionary is a feature of Gboard that maintains a database of learned words. You will find all your learned words here. So, in this article, we will list a few easy steps to remove learned words from your Android keyboard.

  1. First of all, open the Settings app on your Android device.

  2. On the Settings app, click on the System option.

  3. Next, click on the Language & Input option.

  4. Under the Language & Input, select the Keyboard option.

  5. Now tap on the Gboard app.

  6. On the Gboard Settings, tap on the Dictionary option.

  7. On the next page, tap on the Personal Dictionary option.

  8. On the next page, you need to select the language.

  9. On the next page, you will find all the saved words. Select the word you wish to remove and click on the trash icon.

That’s it! You are done. This is how you can remove learned words from Gboard. So, this guide is all about how to remove learned words from your Android keyboard. I hope this article helped you! Please share it with your friends also. If you have any doubts related to this, let us know in the comment box below.