You Won’t Believe How Easy It Is To Test Your iPhone Battery Health On A Mac - Learn Now!

Are you experiencing issues with your iPhone battery? Does it drain too quickly? Do you find that you have to charge it multiple times a day? While there are a plethora of reasons why your iPhone’s battery might not be performing at its best, one common culprit is aging.

As your iPhone gets older, the battery’s health deteriorates, resulting in a shorter battery lifespan. Thankfully, there’s an easy way to check your iPhone’s battery health using your Mac. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to test your iPhone battery health on a Mac.

Step 1: Make Sure Your Mac Meets The Requirements

Before you proceed with testing your iPhone’s battery health, make sure your Mac meets these requirements:

  • It should have macOS Catalina or later installed.
  • It should have the latest version of iTunes installed.

Step 2: Connect Your iPhone To Your Mac

Connect your iPhone to your Mac using a lightning cable. Once your iPhone is connected, iTunes should launch automatically. If it doesn’t, you can launch iTunes manually.

Step 3: Navigate To Your iPhone’s Summary Page

Once iTunes is open, you’ll see your iPhone’s icon on the top left corner. Click on it to open your iPhone’s summary page.

Step 4: Check Your iPhone’s Battery Health

On your iPhone’s summary page, you’ll see a section called Battery. Click on it to view your iPhone’s battery health. You’ll be able to see two important pieces of information - Maximum Capacity and Peak Performance Capability.

  • Maximum Capacity: This is the measure of your iPhone battery’s current capacity compared to when it was new. A lower percentage indicates that your iPhone’s battery has worn out and might need replacement.
  • Peak Performance Capability: This measures how well your iPhone’s battery is performing concerning the phone’s processor demands. If this is lower than 100%, it means that your iPhone’s battery is aging and might need replacement.

Step 5: Interpret The Results

If your iPhone’s battery maximum capacity is under 80%, it means that it’s time to get your battery replaced. Typically, iPhone batteries are designed to retain up to 80% of their original capacity for about 500 charge cycles.

If your iPhone’s peak performance capability isn’t at 100%, it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to replace your battery, but it does indicate that your iPhone is experiencing some level of battery aging.


Testing your iPhone battery health on your Mac is a straightforward process that can tell you a lot about the performance and expected lifespan of your iPhone battery. If you find that your battery isn’t lasting as long as it should, testing your iPhone battery health should be the first step in diagnosing the problem. And if you discover that you need a new battery, the good news is that Apple makes it easy to get one by visiting an Apple Store, an authorized service provider, or contacting Apple Support.

Charging and using your iPhone daily will go off without a raise. If your iPhone shuts down casually, your phone’s battery percentage jumps, or even if your phone overheats when not at work, it may be best to run diagnostics at that time. All these traits are hints nearer to battery failure. Also Read: How To Make iPhone, Automatically Switch To Strongest WiFi

Run iPhone Battery Diagnostics on MAC

Running diagnostics is a simple procedure and is an effective way to see if your battery needs to be replaced. Your Apple Store or any authorized store can run diagnostics for you, but with a store that is far away from running diagnostics will be most applicable and the best of it is to void your warranty. Also Read: Top 10 Best iPhone Apps To Train your Brain

  1. Firstly, you have to download the coconut battery. For this, you must prefer coconut battery version 3.4. Consider that it only works on Mac OS machines; if you are running Windows, you have to get a Mac for this job.
  2. Scroll down on the page until you reach the “Download” link and see if updates have been implemented. If the current version doesn’t support your needs, the web page will offer some older compatible versions with older operating systems.
  3. Your file i.e.”.zip” is 8.5MB at the time of writing and would take no time to install. One of the best features of coconutBattery is its universal ease of use and lightness, i.e.; it will not stick to your CPU. This app will also show your battery diagnostics on your Mac too.

Steps for running the app:

  1. Double-click on the file that you have downloaded to open it.
  2. If the application is not launched at that moment, you need to click on the “Open” present on the warning window.
  3. When it is opened, prefer coconutBattery to search for updates automatically. This will help you when new features are added, and you must take them.

Also Read: How To Make iPhone, Automatically Switch To Strongest WiFi

Steps for viewing data

  1. With coconutBattery opened, you will be presented with stats about your Mac running the application and your Mac’s battery if it has one.

  2. To view stats about your iOS device, select “iOS Device” from the menu bar.

  3. All battery details will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. For further details such as age, serial number, and processor, you can select “Device Details.”

Deciphering Data

Charge Capacity: Power is displayed as milliamp hours or mAh. In cases of 6s, it can store 1715mAh of power, but use has declined to a maximum charge of 1311mAh or 76.4%. This decline happens from a device of its age, like 477 days old, but if your device’s maximum is less than the design capacity, you prefer to exchange your battery. Load cycles and Usage: One load cycle is one full discharge followed b one full charge, i.e., from 0% to 100%. So if you have a 50% charge, use up to 50%, i.e., one load cycle. On average, you can go up to 1000 load cycles before the battery’s capacity falls behind the design capacity. Also Read: How to Make Your Android Look like an iPhone (Without Root) If the battery looks ship-shaped, it probably is. If it is not, then make a Genius Bar appointment and get it checked out. If possible, visit an Apple-authorized service provider for hardware repair, as the third party will void your warranty. For any battery replacement at an Apple Store, an expert will run a similar application to coconutBattery before going through with repair to verify the issue.